(Andy - United Kingdom)
December 11, 2017, 10:05pm
I use a couple of parent/child smartapps I wrote to control everything as I don’t use webcore (But I’m sure with a little work you could achieve the same in webcore)
Presence Central for all the presence stuff (guest mode, etc)
Presence Central
I created this SmartApp for my own use but thought I’d share it in case anyone else finds it useful.
I have been testing it for a while and it seems to work fairly consistently.
The reason I wrote this is because I had lots of separate apps controlling different presence actions.
I just wanted to bring everything together in on Parent/Child app
First of all I have to credit Brian Gudauskas (@bridaus -Reliable Presence) & Eric Roberts (@baldeagle072 - Everyone’s Presence) for stealing some of their code for multiple presence sensor determinations.
Without their great work this app would not have been possible to create.
This is a Parent/Child app to control presence sensor actions. Once installed you can setup any number of ‘child’ apps.
You need to install & publis…
Message Central for all speaker/txt msg related stuff
Hi all
I can no longer support development of this app in SmartThings.
Most of my devices are now migrated to the Hubitat environment and rather than support two different versions I have decided to concentrate on the Hubitat version
I’ll leave the GitHub files and links for a while and you are welcome to download existing versions if you wish
I’ve had my ST system for more than a year now and have had great success with WAF (Wife Approval Factor) by getting the system to ‘announce’ things like ‘the washer has finished’ and ‘the dryer has finished’ or ‘there is someone at the door’
I have used quite a few community created smartapps along the way to get my system to work how I want it.
(Kudos goes to this excellent community for the help it gives everyone)
I have also created…
As for speakers I use a couple of 'Jam’ ‘Rhythm’ speakers (one upstairs, one downstairs) and this excellent app
This Smart App and device type allows you to use any DLNA Media Renderer to receive Sonos-like sound and voice notifications from SmartThings.
You must to install the MediaRenderer_Connect to find any Generic Media Renderer (Network Speaker)
The MediaRender Player is the device type needed to control each Media Renderer.
If you dont have a Media Renderer like Smart TV or Network Speaker with DLNA you can test it with Foobar2000 program installing de upnp commponent. The commponent allows you to convert the player in a Media Renderer (Verify your firewall do not block the foobar2000 port )
I have tried some Media Renderers, but is better if you give me a feedback of the models that works for you.
Tip : Please, just install one time the MediaRenderer Connect from the phone, If you have…