Activate Smartthings Scene via Fibaro Dimmer 2 + Tradfri

Hi @Andy_Rouse

You can wait for the automatic migration to the stock Z-Wave Switch driver and when you have them all working with edge driver you can try to easily change any of them with the app to my Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc driver and try to see if the scenes work for you

Button 1 will emit the scenes (single / double / triple click / hold) of the S1 and button 2 will emit the scenes (single / double / triple click / hold) of the S2


Just to clarify that the SmartThings IDE is part of the legacy platform (tied to Groovy) that’s in the process of being shut down as well. It does not use the new SmartThings API. You can either check the REST API directly or some people find a tool like the API Browser by TAustin to be helpful for this.

Based on what you described, it sounds like it’s a Custom Groovy DTH. That itself isn’t a problem – the problem is that Groovy DTHs could define custom attributes without defining them as part of a capability. In the post-Groovy world, SmartThings requires that attributes are defined as part of a capability and the new SmartThings APIs will not expose legacy custom attributes that weren’t part of custom capability.

The distinction is really critical. SmartThings is in the process of shutting down their Groovy platform and their new APIs fundamentally won’t show these legacy custom attributes (which makes sense since they’re in the process of completely shutting down Groovy). If you had joined SharpTools ~6 months ago, we were still using a Groovy SmartApp at that point in time and our Groovy SmartApp had access to all the Groovy stuff (including Custom Attributes that weren’t defined as part of a Custom Capability). But the new SmartThings APIs fundamentally don’t share this data.

In other words, there’s no going backwards. Only forwards. Either the Groovy DTH would have to be updated to implement a Custom Capability (kind of silly with Groovy being shut down soon) or you would need to migrate to a new driver like Mariano’s “Mc” drivers.

I understand that you’re in a bit of a limbo state at the moment as those Groovy devices haven’t automatically been migrated yet even though the Groovy SmartApps you used are already deprecated, but that’s the reality of the current state of SmartThings.

Sounds good, I’ll wait and hopefully my devices migrate to a stock Z-Wave edge driver.
I’ve installed the Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc driver in readiness.

I may actually comment out the fingerprint in the DTH then exclude and include a single Fibaro Dimmer (there is 1 particular switch in my house which uses scenes on a daily basis so if this was on Edge Drivers now that would help). Do you have any guidance / instructions on doing so ?

Thanks for your help.

Thanks for the explanation, I didn’t realise the IDE was disappearing too.

I really am stuck in limbo because WebCore has stopped working (by surprise as I haven’t been keeping an eye on the forums) so I’m in the process of migrating all my logic to SharpTools. Currently I’m missing some functionality which I’m not likely to get until my devices are on Edge Drivers by the sounds of it.

If I understand correctly; To get that functionality now means I have to manually exclude and include all devices (not something I’m in a rush to do), or if I’m prepared to wait (in limbo) then hopefully the devices will transition from my custom handlers to standard Edge Drivers automatically at which point I can revise the Edge Drivers to beta / custom drivers as required (without needing to exclude & include).

However, if I go to the effort of re-coding all of my logic in SharpTools now and auto migration doesn’t work for some devices then I’m back to square-1 (physically moving, excluding & including those devices and re-doing the SharpTools logic).

SmartThings sure haven’t made it easy for people. They should have made the drive migration more seamless and allowed WebCore to operate until users have logic implemented on an alternative platform.

In this post and following of the thread can see as implemented and tested by another user.

Once the sending of scenes is activated in settings device, Basically the routines are made as if they were the push of a button. Button two of the device details view corresponds to the scenes sent by S2
- If
Button2 = I press 1 time
- then
Execute xxxx actions

And so for pressed 2 times, 3 times, maintained