ActiON, aka Web Dashboard 3.0

I didn’t change anything other than the name from 625alex to whatever I wanted to name my app. I will try again and this time not change the name, and see if that works.

Best way to install code is when you get to where you type in the name right above there is a “From Code” link. Click that and paste in the entire code. You can always modify the name later if needed.

Yeah I’ve done that several times and I’m still getting the error both on my laptop and also when I try to install from my smartphone and tablet. So I don’t know what the problem is with my stuff. I even went as far as just trying to add the code only without no inputs whatsoever to get to install and I still get the error message. I started to wonder if it was because I was installing it from my Mac… until I tried from my Android tablet and smartphone and continued to get the same results.

At which point are you getting the error? Is it when you first try to access the dashboard via the URL?

Did you enable OAuth in the SmartApp?

I can report as well that the smartthings temperature/humidity sensor has issues. It blows a NumberFormatException on the it.currentValue(‘humidity’) call so it looks like it’s in the device code itself.

Thanks for this project, I prefer the interface to the iOS app.

I’m looking into this. @bostonalex is helping me out.

Well, one step closer to creating a ST Android scrollable controllable widget…


Cool! What did you use?

Wow… I want! Please tell us all more!

From post 233 above:

I deleted all my Hello Home Actions from the ST app. Power cycled my hub, and forced closed my ST iOS app and my old Hello Home Actions are still showing in ActiON when actually I have no Actions at all in the ST app.

I guess it’s time to uninstall my ActiON apps and then reinstall like @RichardH mentioned.

Is there a value in handpicking certain Hello, Home actions or should I just show all? If I were to show all of them, then we wouldn’t have this problem.

I was able to remove Hello, Home actions without power cycling the hub or any hustle. I’m not sure what I did differently. I use Android.

I created 4 new Hello Home Actions that match my Modes: Home Day, Home Night, Away Day, Away Night.
Not a big deal just thought you might like to know that deleting all of them first does not keep them from displaying on the iOS app.
I will uninstall and reinstall shortly.

Thanks for the great ActiON!

I think there should be just two modes: home and away. But that’s me.

Sorry, y’all. I jumped the gun earlier on the Android widget. I thought it did more, but all it does is takes a snapshot of a webpage and posts it statically to a custom widget. You can’t do anything with it (toggle switches, modes, etc.).

However, I did create a new topic on some other alternatives I’ve researched… they’re not widgets, but they are convenient:

Android ST Widget Alternatives

Just got my hub today…and found this…WOW, it’s great.

One question, how do I move the tiles around?

There is no easy way to do it but if you feel comfortable with a little html/javascript you can modify that groovy code for the SmartApp to move them.

I know that ability is something Alex is working on.

Actually getting closer. I was on vacation for 2 weeks, I thought I would have more time. I was wrong.

@625alex @geko

Does ActiON provide an interface in Smart Alarm?

The problem with this is that currently, unless we want to edit every SmartApp that we use, there is no way other than additional modes to change behavior at different times of the day, i.e. motion triggered lights at night.

A light sensor could be used for that. It could be dark due to weather conditions. A virtual light sensor works well for me.

I had an idea of a “Virtual Mode Device”, but I don’t have the time to explore right now.