ActiON, aka Web Dashboard 3.0

Do you have any plans to add the Smartthing Multi to get battery level, acceleration/multi and the Ubi’s Sound level, light level and air pressure? Others had helped to get the Ubi’s data accessable by Smartthings.

@625alex Amazingly easy to install. Will send in a donation for such an awesome product. By the way, does anyone know of a way to have an iPad screen automatically turn on using the camera similar to what FlorianZ did on Android using Tasker and Secure Settings? It would be nice to have the Web Dashboard automatically display when it detects someone in front of the iPad, which I plan to mount on the wall and replace my old Alarm Keypad.

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I thought about it. In fact the very first version behaved like that. Then I thought that it’s not a good idea, because active/inactive could mean different things for different people.

I will consider this…

Do you really want to view battery status on a separate tile? That value barely ever changes…

It is the completionist in me that likes all available data accessible.

ST multisensor works fine for me. I wonder what the difference is with the ST Temp and Humidity sensor.

Quick question… Is everyone here using the ST IDE for development, or are you using a local tool like Eclipse or IDEA locally with the Groovy libraries? If so, what tool, library, JDK, etc…

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I use the IDE for minor iterations and I use Notepad++ if I need to search/replace or something a bit more substantial. The apps are normally so tiny that there is no need for something more serious.

Awesome. Now I just need to figure out how to modify the CSS so I can play with colors.

Also want to be able to change the layout / placement of the tiles.

Tile colors are defined starting line 618.
Tiles are sorted by type, then alphabetically. Order of types is at the very end of the code.

I’m playing with different layout plugins to allow us to reorder the tiles.

Aesome app!! I installed the app and have everything working as expected, but when I went and renamed a couple of my Hello Home modes (Goodbye and I’m Home), they were appended to the existing list, and the old ones were still there. I’ve attached a screen shot for reference.

I had the same issue. Just uninstall and reinstall and it fixes it.

As I replied in the github, try to remove all phrases and then add them back.

I tried with Android device, and I didn’t experience what you are describing.

Very cool, I was playing with the colors and re-ordering the tiles. Would be nice to have a blank tile as a divider.

How would ActiON display 4 modes?
Currently I have the standard: Home, Away, Night but might go to HomeDay, HomeNight, AwayDay, AwayNight (thanks Tim).

For the three standard ones (home, away, night) it will display an icon, for everything else, the text label.

As I keep monitoring this thread, I start to realize that this is more in-line with what the community would like to see, over the existing SmartThings App. Its funny really… If they took this concept, and extended it… it would probably provide all the functionality/speed we require, and still keep the solution device independent…

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I’m sure many of you have done this but I’ll post anyway. Since this app had inspired me to mount my nexus 7 to the wall, I also installed a free camera app called Alfred that allows me to use the front facing camera on the nexus 7 as a remote Web cam. Now I can look and listen in on my home for trouble. Best part is while viewing on the phone the dashboard stays up on the nexus 7. Figured I’d post since the app is free and takes 5 minutes to install.



When I try to create the dashboard I get the following error, could you tell me what I’m doing wrong. I followed your instructions to a Tee but I continue to get the following error message.

error java.lang.NullPointerException @ line 1007

“${tf.format(new Date())}”

I can’t wait to get this fixed so that I can use this awesome app…


@pasaway Did you modify the app code in any way? No one else has ever reported this problem… If not, this could be a weird one time system glitch and you should try installing again. There’s nothing of that line that could cause a NPE.