About the Projects category

Have something you are working on that you want to share? You can do it here. Code, hardware, whatever. Share it!

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Is there any way to access the old “Projects” section of the SmartThings community? I was attempting to build a project I found (Smart Sprinklers) and needed to reference the info, however I am unable to find it within the new forums, and my old link redirects me to the new community main page.

I was looking for that same Sprinkler Project but can’t get there…

Ack- where have my projects gone? I was sharing a multi-way relay, integration with TED5000 and now have a new integration with SparkCore to share.

Like others, I am looking for the old projects page. For those of us who took the time to create a nice project site, we should at least be able to retrieve a copy of our write ups, etc… Even better, can you migrate them to the new site?

I am glad to see there were some folks interested in the Smart Sprinkler project. If you are still interested, the github link is https://github.com/d8adrvn/smart_sprinkler.git

Anybody ever figure out how to get to the old projects? @Ben can you help with this?

If you know the URL, you can use [this tool][1] to retrieve a cached copy. That’s what I did with my Smart Room Controller project, although most of my old stuff is out of date now.

Good luck.
[1]: http://www.cachedpages.com/