404 error=invalid_request&error_description=The+request+is+malformed

Hi, I am implementing the oauth2 part of my smartapp and the authorize step directs to error=invalid_request&error_description=The+request+is+malformed.

I am directing user to

as a user I am able to login, select the location and devices and click the authorize button.
This directs to the https://api.smartthings.com/installedapp?error=invalid_request&error_description=The+request+is+malformed. url and a 404 error.

Looking to understand why and how to resolve.

Hi, @rst11
This is weird. You should be redirected to the “redirect URI” you defined in your app’s configuration, along with the authorization code as the query parameter. Have you checked if you receive that request on your server?

I haven’t seen this flow redirecting to the installedapp endpoint.

Hi @nayelyz . does this mean the &redirect_url= specified on the url the client is being directed to is completely ignored? can i remove it so not to cause confusion.

Are there any logs that i can view that will explain why the there is no call to the url specified on the application registration?

can you explain what you mean by:
>> I haven’t seen this flow redirecting to the installedapp endpoint.

many thanks

No, it is used, but it must match the redirect URI you defined in your app’s configuration. Both must be present.

Not directly, but you can test first if your URL passes this SSL test: SSL Server Test (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs)
If not, that could be the reason why no request reaches your server.

This URL you shared it’s similar to the installedapp endpoint of the API: API | Developer Documentation | SmartThings
So, I just was wondering why it was redirected there.

If the URL passes the test, we would need your help by replicating the issue and providing this information:

  1. App ID
  2. Timestamp of when you tried to authorize your app including your timezone. For example: 14:00 GMT-6

Hi @nayleyz. My app https address and certiciate all pass. How can i privately send you the details you have asked for?

Hi, @rst11, you can send me a direct message in this forum or an email to build@smartthings.com.

Hi Nayelyz. I have sent you a message. Thanks!