Zigbee HA Metering Controller 4040B - How do I get Load 2 to work on Smartthings?

So I installed this controller today and so far it works great with one relay. Any devs willing to write a custom device so we can take advantage of both relays? I’m willing to test. Thx a bunch.

That’s terrific!

Unfortunately I have the same problem with the second relay. After further investigation, I found the second relay will not work with SmartThings. If you find anything, let me know.

My original intention was to have both relays function and each run a separate pool pump. Now I had to run both on the same relay.


We have created a device handler for the ZBMLC30 with Metering support and to control both loads.

Link here:


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My pool is currently closed for the season, once I open it in a couple of months I’ll give this a try.

I’ve just installed your device type and am getting an error on line 104 and can’t turn the device off. Any chance you can take a look? Log errors are:

c53d8f82-ef2e-4635-9c2e-b9623375145d 4:00:59 PM: error java.lang.NumberFormatException: null @ line 104
c53d8f82-ef2e-4635-9c2e-b9623375145d 4:00:59 PM: warn DID NOT PARSE MESSAGE for description : read attr - raw: 77C902070206000486, dni: 77C9, endpoint: 02, cluster: 0702, size: 06, attrId: 0400, result: unsupported attr
c53d8f82-ef2e-4635-9c2e-b9623375145d 4:00:59 PM: debug parse… description: read attr - raw: 77C902070206000486, dni: 77C9, endpoint: 02, cluster: 0702, size: 06, attrId: 0400, result: unsupported attr

Seems like errors parsing for metering attributes.
I created another DTH without metering for test.

Can you please try with:

Hi, I installed the device handler that controls both relays and it works. As you said right now I can’t use the second load with smart apps. Is it possible to split this into two device handlers, one for each load? Then we can use smart apps to control each load independently?

Yes you can try to do so, I’m not sure if smart apps will work with the second load (endpoint-2). This i thought was a limitation in ST. Perhaps somebody from ST can help us.


I tried installing your code as a SmartApp and I get this error.

No signature of method: script1498242383216215977911.metadata() is applicable for argument types: (script1498242383216215977911$_run_closure1) values: [script1498242383216215977911$_run_closure1@c6d5f7f] Possible solutions: getMetadata(), getState(), setState(java.lang.Object), metaClass(groovy.lang.Closure)

I’m not sure what you mean, because this code is a device handler, it’s not code for a custom smart app. I created different device handlers, so folks here can install the device according to their preferences. For example,I can even create another device handler for this device to use it specifically as a variable speed pool pump controller.

Your right. Sorry. It worked.

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Just to confirm about the app. ST will show ON or OFF, but your app now controls both loads. However, the app doesn’t allow to turn on or off each load seperate due to ST issues?

You can Control and Monitor BOTH loads if you use https://github.com/thewall7/st-devicehandlers/blob/master/smartenit-zbmlc30.src/smartenit-zbmlc30.groovy

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Note: we made some updates, so I have updated all the links I posted here to avoid broken links.

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I have 3 of these devices. I updated the DH with your current code, but I am not getting any action on relay 1. It seems to stick on “Turning On” and “Turning Off” without ever activating an action.

Relay 2 (switch2) is working fine.

Any suggestions?



Can you check if Smartthings found the endpoint 1 in device. Check Current States here: https://graph.api.smartthings.com/device/list
You can try to remove it and add again to see if that solves the problem.

Also when you turn it on and off please record the logs and share, you can email them to me if possible dhawal.d@smartenit.com


@dhawald and all – New to the community and still learning. But one reason I’m wading in is because I really want this device to manage both my pool and cleaner pump – have not bought it yet, but while doing my research, noticed that some functionality was not yet supported.

Am I reading that you now have sorted out the issues with this device handler? My biggest concern is that I still be able to turn the cleaner pump off at some times of the day, when the main pump is still running. Metering monitor is a huge bonus!!

Happy to become another contributor and tester if needed!!

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You should be able to control and monitor both the relays and the metering with the latest device handler. I have observed that sometimes ST does not detect the onoff properly and it needs repairing. Also you will need to create a custom smartapp for the second relay (I haven’t dabbled with smartapps yet). If someone already has a working smartapp then please share :slight_smile:


I rewrote code in your driver to make it match a relay controller. This way you can make 2 virtual switches per motor controller and make each one addressable for programming and automation functions.

I uploaded files to Git Repo in main branch.

Thanks for the help. Your support is world class!


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Another update to my post. Come to find out I had to download the SMARTTHINGS CLASSIC app and I found the two outlets.

  1. I’m not able to see the metering.
  2. Unable to schedule the individual outlets with an automation timer.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thing Device Pool Controller

Name Thing
Label Pool Controller
Type Smartenit ZBMLC30
Version Draft
Zigbee Id 000B520000004AA3
Device Network Id 9ADC
Hub Home Hub
Last Activity At 2018-09-08 6:32 PM CDT
Date Created 2018-09-08 5:14 PM CDT
Last Updated 2018-09-08 7:25 PM CDT
Data * application: 44
  • endpointId: 01
  • manufacturer:
  • model: ZBMLC30|
    |Raw Description|01 0104 0002 02 06 0000 0003 0006 0004 0005 0008 01 0019|
    |Firmware|Check Now|
    |Current States|* switch: off
  • switch2: off|