Working on a solution for bringing a handicapped stair glide up/down

Two options come to mind. Neither will damage the existing remote or require any wiring. :sunglasses:

Harmony hub

First, see if the harmony can learn the existing IR interactions. It can with a lot of devices. If so, you just have to have a harmony within line of sight of The receiver for the remote.

The harmony which integrates with SmartThings is the harmony home hub, typically sells for $89 at Best Buy. Sometimes it’s at that same price as Amazon.

If the harmony can learn it, that’s a good integration. I understand the issue, however, is that the current remote is a press and hold button, and it may be that the harmony won’t do that.

Push Microbot

A good alternative, if more expensive, is the push microbot from Naran. This is a tiny actuator intended as a “robot finger.” It can definitely do push and hold for pretty much any duration you want to set. I myself am quadriparetic, and I have one of these on a small personal blender to push and hold the start button, and another one on the microwave door button. Works fine. :sunglasses:

If you just want to operate it from its own phone app, the push microbot by itself is $49.

But where it really becomes useful is if you add their $89 “Prota” Wi-Fi bridge, which also has its own IFTTT service/channel. Once you have that, you can use it with Amazon echo, which is how I use mine, you can use it with smart things, etc.

Setting it up the first time is a little annoying, but it works fine once you do have it set up. And it’s easy to write rules for it with IFTTT. :sunglasses:

So it’s expensive, but it lets you retrofit a lot of devices which are not easy to retrofit otherwise.

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