February 13, 2015, 7:03am
Any weather station, or weather station software, that can upload data to Weather Underground will do what you want. Use the Smart Weather Tile and Smart Weather Tile Controller SmartApps. Enter your Weather Underground station ID instead of zip code and you’ll be good to go.
Probably more work than you were hoping for but looks like AcuRite has some compatible models listed on WUnderground. Personal Weather Station Hardware and Software | Weather Underground .
More reading below, you can actually set this up using another nearby weather station and decide later if you want to setup your own station:
The Smart Weather Station Tile App under more and Convenience.
What products work with this that I can attach? Does this pull information from a PWS device such as the ones that work with wunderground?
In case anyone is interested; I put together a script that lets me notify myself and up to three people via phone of inclement weather at any Personal Weather Station, using Wunderground’s API’s. You’ll need a Wunderground developer key, but they’re free for limited use.
I’ve been using it a few months now; the only challenge I still have with it is that seemingly the cron job for resetting weather state twice a day only fires once, and occasionally when the SmartThings notification queue gets backed up I’ll get text messages at 2 or 3 in the morning.
Lots more could be done with it, I’ve kept it pretty simple so far as I’m still learning the scripting environment. It’s all up here on GITHub, not sure if I’ve used GIT the right way or not, I’m used to Visual Studio and TFS. Feel free …
edit: NVM i got it… formating error. DOH!
Netatmo though?:wink:
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