Using Google Home (assistant) speaker for notifications/alarms?

1 year later :slight_smile: - I am trying to find if this exists without additional setup

im using this and it rocks


Would you like to elaborate please. :slight_smile:
How do you set this up. I see there are device handlers and smartapps in this site.
If you could it would be much appreciated.

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Yes! Does this require a dedicated separate device?

Yes, it sadly still does.
The requirements for this device are minimal though and it runs on almost any OS.

If you want to give it a try, everything you need should be here.

So I don’t actually have a Google Home yet, but having a “usable” TTS announcement solution might just be the tipping point to get one. Based upon the work of others, I created a C# app that uses .NET’s built-in speech synthesis to create a WAV file, and a third-party Google Cast library to cast it. When testing on a normal Chromecast, it takes about 6 seconds before anything actually plays (connect, start media channel, play media). Is this the same latency I would see on a Google Home? Or is it somehow better optimized in how it handles media playback requests? Thanks.

mine is slightly less, maybe 3 seconds, the google speakers have a chime before the playback so its event>1second>CHIMEonGH>1 second >CUSTOM TTS or Sound. The chromecasts are about 4 seconds for me at most between event and custom sound, although Wifi slowness can sometimes truncate the first second or so on the chromecasts. Im working on improving the network environment/ wifi signal a bit.

right now im setting up the chromecasts to show live video cam feeds on request and maybe doorbell cam on button press.

if u have ANY google cast or google speaker/mini/audio, this integration is invaluable! @vervallsweg has really opened up hundreds of possibilities here.

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it’s not too difficult, if you have a computer that’s always on. for me downloading github desktop and cloning the repo and changing the local ip from the github desktop app menus command line took the longest, maybe 15 min since I’m slow and never done it before.

the rest is ur standard go to the IDE, device handlers, settings, add repo. then update from repo, check check, smart apps update from repo check check update. open ST app, marketplace, smart apps, my apps, web cast, enter the ip:port then discover devices, click on one discovered, check check, save. bam u have speakers in all the smartthings apps.

I had to get rid of the “-” in pre-url.

Did you ever take a look at the error I was receiving?

Hi @Ryan780

im Just looking into it now - things have been a bit hectic at the moment!

@Ryan780 This is now Fixed…
you should be able to run this with no errors :slight_smile:


Still can’t get it to work. I’m giving up on getting this working. Too many hours wasted.

I am not a programmer and haven’t found a way to get it to work either. I don’t really see any step-by-step solutions.

@Ryan780 - can you please please send me a screenshot of the exact error you are getting? - I have run this and tested in my environment and it works fine? I am more than happy to offer you some more assistance if needed

I found the enum library and then I had to get netifaces. I am using Python 2.7 that comes with Raspbian. I will have to get you the exact error later.

Thank you!!
I got mine working here, I had to install gTTS with "pip install gTTS’.
I also had to install visual c++ build tools Here.

I would like to know if it is possible to choose which google home the notification will be played on?

@GhostBassist and @Ryan780

Do you guys think it would work in other languages than English? (I need Canadian French)


it Should work,
you will have to adjust in the script the language

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yes, if you have them named specifically!
you will have to adjust the script in order to pick the correct name

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