Updates to Google Integration


Hypothetically, would it be possible to provide a mapping between ST Locations and Google Homes. They are broadly similar concepts, or at least that is how they appear to me.

We provide Google with that mapping, but they do not use it. Right now they only map ST rooms to one Google home as long as you have one ST location, hopefully they will support multiple home mapping at some point.

Cant see reconnect or smarthings app or account info when I go into GH. I do see the 2 lights I am controlling.

It seems to change every time there is a new release. One way to get to the option to reconnect SmartThings is:

(Google A/C Icon) > Assistant Settings > Assistant > Home Control > SmartThings

There may be other ways of getting there.

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Can you give a little more information on how you did this? I created a virtual switch, but I’m having trouble figuring out how to associate it with a smartthings child device so I can turn it on/off with my google home

Edit: Nevermind. Figured it out. For others that are curious, once I set up the virtual switch, I then created 2 automations in smartthings: If ‘Virtual Switch Name’ off, Turn off ‘Device’. If ‘Virtual Switch Name’ On, turn on ‘Device’.

This works really nicely as these virtual switches are exposed to Google Home (may need to tell your google home to sync devices first).

Same here. I am using the inovelli dual outlet plugs (both the indoor and outdoor) and they require the child capabilities to work properly. They don’t seem to be working properly in the new smart things app, nor were they translated properly through the new google home integration. In the classic app, they show as 3 line items: dual control, left outlet control, and right outlet control. The only line item that was integrated through the new google home integration was the dual line item.

Thank you for this response. Sorry I hadn’t read this response before my previous reply to you as I am reading this forum post from most current to past.

Google assistant is telling me, unprompted, that the SmartThings integration is being updated in a few days on the 8th. We might hope that either or both of the child device and device selection issues are solved.
Anybody know anything by any chance?

I wouldn’t bet on any of them, but let’s tag @Lars and @blake.arnold, one might give a straight answer this time.

Just catching up on other threads and read a comment from @jkp a few weeks ago that September 8th is also the date that the current version of the Echo Speaks SmartApp is due to end. Something has obviously been planned for a while. I’m curious as to what we might find out in advance.

Since the deadline is fast approaching, I went ahead and updated my Google integration. Now one of my Google Assistant routines is no longer working because it calls a scene that locks a door. I know this was already a known “feature” of the new integration, but I had forgotten and so it was an unpleasant surprise.

What’s even more frustrating is that it appears that Google DOES support locking doors, but apparently not through SmartThings:

If I click the ‘Add door lock’ it takes me to the page to connect Google to various other services, including SmartThings.

I’ve finally done the migration to the new app and just about to start working my way through actions, however step one has given a duplicate of every single device in Google home.

I don’t mean devices which are integrated through other processes, I mean all Smartthings devices appear twice. Any idea how to fix this? I’ve tried removing the integration and re-adding it but no luck

If I remember right
 I had to do it manually. I thought that if I remove integration it should clear those duplicates but that wasn’t the case. :frowning:

 Every device I have to do like 12 button clicks! What an awful experience!

EDIT, when I try and remove any of the devices which are duplicates (the old ones now show ‘not responding’) I get an error message that ‘Only owners can remove this device’ OR ‘Only owners can unlink’
 Does this mean I need to speak to Google or SmartThings?

I had to remove devices by using IDE and oh boy
 it was fun. I do not know what that error that you get really means.

You might have those old devices from another Google account.
You can always try to say to Google, sync my lights


Thanks for the prompt, I sussed it here. Such a shame there is so much guesswork involved!

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Any news on this? The duplicates are driving me insane.

@DDoug23 @Jani @cjcharles

Can you PM me your Samsung account and I will investigate? I am not aware of any scenario that creates duplicates in Google (only for Alexa).

@Jani So you are saying you removed duplicated device in SmartThings IDE? Did your devices duplicate during migration to the new SmartThings app then?

The duplicates come because unlinking the Google home <> ST integration only operates at a user level.

If you have multiple users in your house then all of them need to unlink individually, otherwise you have a duplicate for every member of your Google home account. Once this has been completed, the master user can finally create the link again.

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