UPDATE: 2016 Samsung TV Smartthings Integration = BEWARE it's False Advertising - Update: Not anymore!

To all Samsung TV owners who bought a 2016 TV on the promise that it is connectable to Smartthings… Excellent news, some clever community users figured out how to connect 2016 LG TVs with the Smartthings Hub…

  • Samsung claimed that their TVs can be connected to Smartthings; wrong, that’s a lie, not implemented…
  • LG never claimed that their TVs can be connected to Smartthings, yet they are !!!

The solution is therefore simple, put your Samsung TV on ebay and get an LG one instead !
Problem solved!

I was interested in the LG TV in the first place as it can also be used as part of a wireless speaker network system when the TV is off! (nice feature). I only went to the Samsung TV solely because of the smartthings integration!

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