Timeout washing machine set to 24 hours?

Hello, I am using the smartthings rest api to turn on the washing machine when prices are lowest. I noticed however that, when I turn on ‘remote control’ on the washing machine, after around 24 hours, the washing machine turns itself off. From that moment on, the wash cannot be remotely started. My use case is build in such a way that the wash will be turned on at the lowest price in the next couple of day’s. Because the washing machine turns itself off after like 24 hours, I cannot do this.

Am I correct about this 24 hour limit, is this hard coded or can it be changed?

If no one is able to provide you with the info in this community forum, you may wish to consider contacting Samsung support directly.

here is the link to Samsung support: https://www.samsung.com/support. There are a couple of methods (if available in your region) for contacting them. Just scroll down the page.

If you find the answer, you may want to consider a followup post that provides the answer for others.

This forum was set up several years ago so customers could help other customers with the smartthings home automation platform. Staff monitor it for spam and harassment, but otherwise you don’t typically get official answers here.

You may get a quicker answer from the official support forum, which has a section dedicated to appliances, and Samsung staff who are assigned to answer questions there.

Home Appliances - Samsung Community

Sometimes, if it’s a question having to do with the app, they’ll just send you back here, but it’s usually worth a try. :thinking:

Ok, posted it here as well.

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