Telguard GDC1 Issue

I have two Telguard GDC1 garage door switches that have been working flawlessly for 3 years. I believe in January they started to display as unavailable in SmartThings. I can no longer see if the garage is open/closed, indicated by on/off in SmartThings. For some reason I can still open and close the garage door from the App. Has anyone experienced the same issue, and have a solution? I would really like the open/closed indicator to work again so I can re-enable by WebCore alerts.

Are you using the new app? Are you using any custom device handlers?

I’d contact support regardless, but be aware that if you’re using any custom code you’ll be asked to change to a stock handler.

I did not use any custom handlers. If I recall ST automatically recognized them as switches.

Ok, that’s good. Need to know a couple things. Are you using the new app or Classic, and do you know what device handler it’s specifically using?

Same issue here. GDC1 started showing up as Unavailable a few months ago. It still functions opening and closing the door - by “turning the switch on or off”, but after initially turning the “switch” blue or gray (following a press), it doesn’t appear to maintain an accurate representation of the current status ongoing.

Classic App
Type: “Z-Wave Switch” in the App and IDE (Still would love to change it to a Garage Door “Open” or “Closed” without a custom device handler)
Last Updated: Feb 8, 2020 (From the IDE)
ZWave Repair Log gives:

zwSwitchStatusLockout; Err 113: Not responding to polls (Garage Door [06])

Events (On / Off [open/close]) do NOT show up in “Recently” in the App

Unplugging the device and plugging it back in returns the GDC1 to “ONLINE” and seems to maintain the correct status. Unknown for how long (I just did it) - I will update if / when it shows as “OFFLINE” or “Unavaialble” again. (Note: I was also using the App in “Add a New Thing” mode when I plugged it back in - although it did not find any new devices)

I’ve been seeing the same issue for the last few months, including the ‘zwSwitchStatusLockout; Err 113’ error that glynnlo reported. It seems to be intermittent, but still a frequent issue.

Yep, I just started seeing this across a bunch of GE switches that have been working fine for a long time. If I manually turn them on/off they come back online but then I seer this a little later again. Anyone have a solution for this issue at all? I see none … ST! I’d love to fix this but honestly its issue after issue. Slowness, devices going offline for now reason (I can tell).

Did you ever get this resolved? I’m having the exact same issue and can no longer get my GDC1’s to work…

I still am having this issue. Sometimes I get annoyed enough to get the ladder out, unplug, the plug it back in. That usually makes it work for a few days to several weeks. I care more about the open vs. closed sensor than actually using the device to open the door. I‘ve started looking into other smart devices that I could plugin the magnetic sensor to that may be more reliable. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.