Support of OTA firmware updates for Z-Wave / Z-Wave Plus devices

I found that on Windows machines, I am having more luck running the application as “administrator”. This was especially useful joining and disjoining and erasing the USB stick.

It has yet to find all my Leviton dimmers and switches but I think I am going try moving my tablet closer to some of my other ones and see if it finds them. That is something I am trying to get support on.

I wish other vendors would produce downloadable .HEX files for this. Apparently, my Multisensor 6 sensors need a code update but they have their own program that works off of the stick and you have to disjoin/join the device. NO THANK YOU!

I will say that support is a bit temperamental. They are pulling that “ask Smartthings” when I run into problems, to which I know Smartthings is going to point the finger to them as I am sure it is not 100% supporterd. At work, I typically get both vendors on a conference call and make them argue with each other when they do that.