Stylish brushed steel (remote control) switches like Rako (UK)

OK. How many buttons do you need? (Also, we should say that these are unlikely to be actual metal because that could make it difficult to get radio signal in and out of the device. They are more commonly metallicized plastic.)

There is a line of zwave scene controllers available from a couple of different companies in the UK, including popp and devolo. These typically have press, long press, and may have double tap. So you can get anywhere from 4 to 12 scenes from what looks like a two button device. Here’s the DTH for those:

The Remotec90 is another Z wave device with eight buttons, giving you up to 24 scenes, which is very popular.


I know neither of those are exactly what you’re looking for, they’re just the closest I can think of that work with smartthings.