[ST Edge] •• Tasmota Edge •• for Sonoff, Tuya & many other ESP WiFi & HTTP devices - over 2000 Tasmota supported devices

The app auto capitalize the first character in the text box, you just have to change to lowercase with your keyboard.

I have a GoSund KS-602S wall switch flashed with the latest Tasmota. I tried Hongtat’s previous Groovy solution but after some time it would not react to a command on the first try and would time out from the ST app. It would normally work on the second attempt. Now, I installed the Edge driver and it works more reliably but still, after a day of no use the ST click would take anywhere from 4 to 8 sec to turn on the light. It’s as if something in the hub goes to a deep sleep and needs to wake up, load, etc. to execute the command and send the HTTP request to the Tasmota web server. Once awoken, it works OK. Does anyone else see the same issue?

Thanks.To be clear,if I have used lower case but the app still shows it as upper case, it is actually in lower case?

Yes. I’m aware of this issue. It has been reported by other developers. [Link]

Unfortunately, this comes from the ST Edge platform, hopefully it will be fixed in the next ST hub firmware release soon.

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Yes. However, if this is for the Tasmota username & password, it is not supported yet.

Ah…I did see that comment in another response.
Ok,thanks for your prompt response.

Thanks, it helps to know that my experience is not unique.

Just to check!!
Do you mean if the router name and password were originally added via Tasmotiser?!

It is the Tasmota device user & password, not router.

From memory,if you use the latest Tasmotiser ,then under the front page config tab, you add in router name and password but you do not need to fill in any further tabs as in your screenshot. The Sonoff Basic is then good to go with Smartthings.
I am not sure if that means there are Tasmota other parameters as you show, or not. However, I have not managed to succeed with your driver for some reason.
In preparation for the Big Switch I have now replaced all my Tasmotised Sonoff Basics while I have some free time anyway !
Perhaps others have succeeded where I have failed!

Have you followed the instruction in the first post? And where/what is not working for you?

Only to be sure… the driver uses only HTTP protocol? No MQTT connection is necessary, correct? Because I am developing my own Tasmota device and I’d like to be sure that MQTT will be not necessary with your driver.

So, I have had another attempt.
I have removed all Tasmotised devices.
I have switched off SonoffConnect.
I have added Sonoff Edge.
I create a new device via Sonoff Edge.
In the device under settings, I change the IP address (192.168.68,xxx in my case?) to the IP address that shows for the device if I check via Fing
If I toggle On/OFF the newly added Edge device via Smartthings, the light flashes once on the Basic ( but doesn’t stay on/off),and the relay itself doesn’t switch.
I have tried with several Sonoffs.
I assume the Basic is a Switch?

Yes. The driver uses only HTTP protocol. No need MQTT.

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Are you able to access the IP address from the browser? Does it show the Tasmota device (similar to this)? Open a new tab for the “Console”, do you see any activities when you toggle the switch on the Tasmota or ST app?

The relay does indeed switch via the browser.
The console shows this
16:38:33 RSL: stat/sonoff/STATUS6 = {“StatusMQT”:{“MqttHost”:“”,“MqttPort”:1883,“MqttClientMask”:“DVES_%06X”,“MqttClient”:“DVES_B0AC39”,“MqttUser”:“DVES_USER”,“MqttCount”:0,“MAX_PACKET_SIZE”:1000,“KEEPALIVE”:30}}
16:38:33 RSL: stat/sonoff/STATUS7 = {“StatusTIM”:{“UTC”:“Tue Aug 23 15:38:33 2022”,“Local”:“Tue Aug 23 16:38:33 2022”,“StartDST”:“Sun Mar 27 02:00:00 2022”,“EndDST”:“Sun Oct 30 03:00:00 2022”,“Timezone”:“+01:00”,“Sunrise”:“05:54”,“Sunset”:“19:51”}}
16:38:33 RSL: stat/sonoff/STATUS10 = {“StatusSNS”:{“Time”:“2022-08-23T16:38:33”}}
16:38:33 RSL: stat/sonoff/STATUS11 = {“StatusSTS”:{“Time”:“2022-08-23T16:38:33”,“Uptime”:“0T01:11:41”,“Vcc”:3.201,“Heap”:18,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:19,“POWER”:“OFF”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:“BLANKED OUT”,“BSSId”:“1C:3B:F3:74:E3:52”,“Channel”:5,“RSSI”:68,“LinkCount”:1,“Downtime”:“0T00:00:09”}}}
16:38:38 RSL: stat/sonoff/RESULT = {“POWER”:“ON”}
16:38:38 RSL: stat/sonoff/POWER = ON

If I try in ST, the console shows this
16:41:50 RSL: stat/sonoff/RESULT = {“Command”:“Unknown”}

Are you using the Tasmota firmware from here?

If not, please flash the latest firmware and do a “reset configuration” on the Tasmota device.

Then delete and add the device in ST app. Then try toggle the switch. Please also enter “rule” and “mem” and paste the screenshot.

aha…so I flashed “tasmota-uk bin” onto the Basic (over writing old sonoff.bin that used to be the one to flash back in the day) and I think it now works…maybe this helps anyone else as unfamiliar as me !
Thanks Hongat.

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On a power failure or reboot of the router and SmartThings Hub, the Tasmota Edge Driver will not communicate (or is very slow to response) with the Sonoff S31 Metering Plug. A reboot of the SmartThings Hub only (not the router) will solve this problem as a work around.
It appears that the Edge Driver is using an incorrect IP address ( as opposed to the correct IP address of that is assigned to the S31 Plug. See Events List that shows the IP address changes.

As the local LAN/WiFi is not ready, due to ST hub, or router reboot, I’d expect all/most LAN/WiFi devices to behave odd/problematic.