ST Cooking - Why are so few people using Smart Things Cooking?

I never had any luck using it with my range/oven either. On a separate note I did see a cool microwave that had an app that would let you scan the barcode on an item and it would automatically set the power and cook time for the microwave. I don’t microwave anything but leftovers, but it was pretty cool.


I hadn’t noticed until today - there was a Samsung Food update a few days ago - but the app does actually indicate this.

If integrated and linked here in the food app then it would have energy monitoring in Smartthings.


I’ve had that feature on two microwaves in the last couple of years, but nobody in our household ever uses it. :man_shrugging:t2: I do have a friend who is blind who finds it very useful.

What we do use all the time is voice control via Alexa. We have two microwaves with this feature, an “Amazon basics” model, which is small, and a full-size Toshiba microwave.

Both work very well with Alexa.

We also have a Cosori “smart oven“ which is a countertop oven, which works really well for me since I can’t physically manage a large oven. (I use a wheelchair and have limited hand function.) excellent Alexa controls.

I don’t want to drag this off topic, so if you want to talk about those, we can start a new thread. :sunglasses:

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