Hi Hendre
Sorry to hear you are struggling, it took me some time to make it work with Mike’s help, but it was worth doing.
You are correct I did not modify the SqVS switchs except the name.
I have pasted a copy of My Devices in the image below, maybe that will help you out .
The device Network Id for the sqVS is just any unique number.
For the squeezeSwitch I have used my IP and port Hex encoded, notice there is no 0x leader as hinted in your post
To address your questions:
I only made one change to the squeezeSwitch
Line 68 for me looks like this:
log.debug makeNetworkId(“”, 9090) //your squeeze server CLI interface ip address and port
Notice the port is 9090, your post was 9000. - I missed this the first time or two around. You should use whatever worked for the Telnet you tried.
I didn’t add MAC addresses or change anything on the SqVS. The SmartApp ties things together.
You do need to add the MAC address of your SB players to the squeezeSwitch, you can do this through the ST mobile APP once you have added the device. See mine below (obviously I have obscured the MACs)
These settings will show up on the squeezeSwitch device settings on the My Device tab of the SDE.
There was no metion of the Smart App in your post I assume you are using this. See Mikes post about 6 from the top. A screen shot of the settings I used for the smart App are shown below.
The selected devices are the three sqVs then the squeezeSwitch.
I hope that helps.