I would like to make Sonos play text with language other than English.
So I assume there is no language option with the internal playtext feature.
Please let me know if there is…
So going with my assumption, I would like to create an mp3 file and store on a web server (or local file) with any TTS engine that would support my language.
How can I achieve that ?
Is there a (preferably free) , live TTS engine that would create the mp3 file with my language (Turkish) ?
The latest version of the app discussed in the thread allows you to use TTS services with languages other than English (French, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese…). Ivona TTS has a Turkish voice.
If you want to play the messages on a sonos I think you only need to install the MediaRenderEvents app. The Sonos should appear in the app as one of the speaker options.
If your phone is an Android, I think there is an app you can install on the phone to make it work as a DLNA speaker (I think it is called Private Dancer… But I don’t have any Android device, so I am not sure), described in the thread. If so, you will also need to install the MediaRenderConnect app and the DLNA Player device type for that. Using an iPhone as a speaker does not work.
is it possible to set different language for weather forecast on the weather forecast app of the same author ?
(I asked on that thread already, but maybe you know…)
I know that ST is using weatherunderground API. fctext is supplying forecast in English.
But I want to change it to Turkish.
possible ?
I think there may be a way if you use the google translate interface… And send the English text and get a Turkish MP3 translation file. This will probably require some programming but if you know how to do it (?!) should not be too difficult.
I don’t think that Google translate is a good idea.
First get forecast textfrom weatherunderground , then go to google translate.
it will take time and the translation won’t bee very good.
on the other hand, weather underground supports multiple languages.
if you go with a language setting it returns forecast text in the requested language.
Btw, my initial problem when starting this thread was;
sending Turkish TTS to Sonos speaker.
Now with ule’s solution I can do this with MediaRenderer Events smart app.
But when I want to do it through Sharp Tools or other means of external app, I can’t find a way.
Is there a way to add External TTS Sonos speaker as a “thing” like the DLNA renderer in this solution ?
Or any way of calling the MediaRenderer Events from external apps ? (OAuth ?)