SmartTiles Dashboard 5.4.2 - July 13 (

I’ve casually looked for this but not extensively, so if it has already been addressed please forgive me. But is there any way in SmartTiles to group switches together? I’d like to turn on and off 5 switches at a time (or dim to the same level), but don’t see an obvious way to do that.

@thejokell ,
Check out this link about Virtual Dimmer

I have done this for a couple of groups of bulbs I switch on/off/dim.


That is so awesome, thank you!!

Anybody have any ideas on what would be causing my refresh tile icon to be constantly spinning. My last change was when I removed the weather tile due to the ST update problem.

Mine seems to do that too sometimes. I also lost my refresh tile for a while but it’s back now.

If and then it’s out, we will talk about it. Should not be more difficult than a dimmer.

We can get a device by ID only from the set of authorized devices. Since ST broke the weather, all I get is the device id, not an actual object and there is nothing I can do about it.

You could bug some people at ST to fix it already, it’s been a good couple of weeks since they broke it…

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One obvious way is described here:

“Refresh” tile has a large spinner in the center and a small one on the corner. The small one appears periodically during synchronization. This is normal. If the large one is always spinning, let me know, we will check it out.

There is an option in “Preferences” section that allows you to show/hide the refresh tile, make sure it’s turned off.

After recent ST upgrades, there is a glitch with default preferences not instantiating.

The large one is always spinning, this is on my tablet. I loaded the same dashboard on Chrome on a laptop and it looks just fine. I will reboot the tablet tomorrow and see if that helps.

Are you getting status updates?
Try to kill the browser/tab and restart the dashboard and see if it helps.

Ok, in case you are wondering, Weather tiles is still broken. There is no ETA on the fix, but I will post the news once ST pushes a fix. I will update the website too:

Follow @SmartTiles on twitter.

You can go and bug ST support about it. Meanwhile I will go and answer the 50+ emails I got about the weather tile…


Be sure to include several links to the donation page. Everyone should be contributing a ‘thing’ worth of cash for this fabulous product.


I’m trying to figure out a business model. This is becoming unsustainable because I’m getting overwhelmed with support questions. Features, ST breaking, corner cases, custom devices, themes, customizations etc.

Over the past month, since went life, I spent 95% of my “dashboard” time on support and 5% on development.

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Freeware / Shareware or whatever term used for open sourced free software such as SmartTiles usually have one or both of these support models:

  1. Community support (i.e., users post issues and the majority of questions are answered by other users, thus performing a service as their contribution to the product). Bugs and feature requests get filtered into a master list for the Developer to consider at his / her leisure. Ironically, the SmartThings Community is essentially providing this model of support to the for-profit product called “SmartThings”.

  2. Premium support (ie any “official” support with a higher service level, even if by email) requires payment: (a) for a premium version of the product, and/or (b) for an annual subscription fee or © on a per case or consulting fee basis. Options (b) and © tend to be popular these days as recurring revenue is attractive… But do you also make all upgrades contingent on the subscription?

I suppose the two models can coexist, but #1 may cut into the revenue potential of #2.

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A restart of the tablet fixed the endless spin. Killing the browser process did not help. I’m not sure what made it start doing the spin.

Have you considered going to a more open-source route? Set up a Jira queue or something where people can log issues, and enable other collaborators to push or merge pull requests. At a certain point, when people come to you asking for a feature, you can point them to the source code and tell them to go nuts!

How much more open source can I get? It’s already open source on GitHub with issue log and contributors like yourself.

You asked for a feature and then you personally implemented it. It doesn’t get more open source than that.

The chore is to have a monthly rewrite to fix ST back end issues. This is the third time breaks in a significant way. The only difference is this time I don’t have a workaround.


My apologies if I missed this in my searching… but I can’t seem to find any information on how to make the digital clock operate in 24H mode. All it does is 0 to 12 and it does not list AM or PM, however even if it did, I prefer the European style 24H system… Anyone know how I can accomplish this?


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