SmartThings iOS app is suddenly not working

Didn’t work, and the new device stopped communicating after around 1hr

An additional interesting fact my iPad on the same iOS 17.5.1 running the ST does not have the same issue as my iPhone.

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Give it time. My wife’s iPhone was also working. She seldom uses the SmartThings app. I was messing around on her phone and after a few hours use it started to suffer from the same issue.

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Same here. Issue started few days ago.

Can control Groups but not individual devices.

Hello all.

Just found this thread. Have been experiencing this for well over a week. I have three different and independent SmartThings Houses. Each has a different generation hub. Each is having the exact same problem.

  • I have reinstalled the app.
  • Restarted app, phone and hub.
  • Used different networks to access.
  • I can use Alexa to give voice commands.
  • Routines work in app
  • Door lock app works.
  • Thermostat and Light switches do not give status and I cannot control with app.
  • I have added new devices since, but now cannot control or configure them.
  • Web interface works.

Let me know if you are interested in logs etc…


Is there progress on this issue? I am still unable to control any devices from the app. I just migrated sixty+ devices back from Home Assistant a week ago, and now this renders everything useless. :confused:

Have emailed log and video. No way to control devices via the app. Been like this 3 days now. Very annoying.

Mine appears to be back working within the last hour or so

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As is mine.


Yes mine miraculously just showed up too. :grinning:

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Same here. :partying_face:

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Hi, everyone.
The engineering team confirmed the issue should be solved now.
Thank you for confirming it works for you. Please let us know if someone’s issue remains.


Did we find the root cause of the defect ?

3 posts were split to a new topic: Hub rebooting and devices unresponsive

Hi @nayelyz same problem here. I’ve granted access. Can you help?

Hi, @Slnt

Can you provide a screen record of the issue, please? You can send it to or here through a Cloud link.

I remember there was an issue solved for the overall control of devices. I see you only have airconditioners registered in your account, so, I’m wondering if it’s due to the device type.

Just sent a print screen of the app (can control only 50% of the devices) and browser (can control all devices). Thanks

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