Can anyone point me in the right direction here, looking to integrate Smartthings + ESP8266 + Roomba into a DIY ThinkCleaner/ROOWiFi solution for smatthings but don’t know where to start.
Many examples online of controlling roombas with esp8266(home assistant), or smartthings integrated with esp8266(sonoff devices w/flashing), but from what i can find online none integrate the 3 into a DIY ThinkCleaner/ROOWiFi solution for smartthings.
Please send on any links or suggestions to get me started as i’m looking into this for my next project.
I believe the general idea with be;
Smartthings connected to ESP8266 (ESP01 or 03) through custom device handler (send HTTP commands)
ESP connected to roomba via PS2 VCC,GND, TX, RX,
ESP I/O pin wired to start button (wake up roomba before TX/RX commands)
ESP will send serial over TX/RX to control roomba and receive live data back from roomba
Programming isn’t my second language so there will be a learning curve for me.
No probs the dev who wrote it is great and has helped me a few times.
I have a few NodeMcu boards with DHT22 sensors attached all working fine through SmartThings.