Smartthings CLI - Create Virtual Device

Let’s start with as we know that we are interested in virtual devices. So we already know the endpoint we are interested in is likely to be otherwise they’d have called the file something else.

So let’s look for something in the file about creating events. It is on lines 82-89. I can’t read TypeScript/JavaScript that brilliantly but line 89 suggests to me we are doing a POST to{{deviceId}}/events and the body is, in TypeScript/JavaScript terms, { deviceEvents }. We also know from the previous line that deviceEvents is an array of whatever DeviceEvent is.

So effectively it is { deviceEvents: [ DeviceEvent ] } and now we have to find DeviceEvent.

Line 3 shows that DeviceEvent is actually found in If we go to lines 511-522 we find:

export interface DeviceEvent {
	value: unknown
	component: string
	capability: string
	attribute: string
	unit?: string
	data?: { [name: string]: object }

export interface DeviceEventList {
	deviceEvents: DeviceEvent[]

So there we have the definition of deviceEvents as a list of DeviceEvent and above it is the definition of DeviceEvent. So let’s glue them together.

  deviceEvents: [
      value: unknown
	  component: string
	  capability: string
	  attribute: string
	  unit?: string
	  data?: { [name: string]: object }

That is now starting to resemble an event. We have the component, capability and attribute, a value, an optional unit and some optional extra data (where they used to stick buttonNumber and things like that). So let’s fill in some real data. In the same order I just gave (having moved value) we have main, presenceSensor, presence, present and we don’t need the other stuff. So we have:

  deviceEvents: [
      component: "main",
      capability: "presenceSensor",
      attribute: "presence",
      value: "present"

Unsurprisingly JSON, the JavaScript Object Notation, is pretty similar to that. It just needs the quotes around the keys too.

  "deviceEvents": [
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "presenceSensor",
      "attribute": "presence",
      "value": "present"

As I say though, if you know the CLI command you can get places quicker.

> smartthings virtualdevices:events {{deviceId}} presenceSensor:presence present

That first fetched the capability so it can check you are asking something sensible and it will then pop up:

[2022-10-13T19:44:55.552] [DEBUG] rest-client - making axios request: {"url":"{{deviceId}}/events","method":"post","headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json;charset=utf-8","Accept":"application/json","User-Agent":"@smartthings/cli/1.0.0-beta.20 win32-x64 node-v16.16.0","Accept-Language":"en-GB","Authorization":"Bearer {{Personal Access Token}"},"data":{"deviceEvents":[{"component":"main","capability":"presenceSensor","attribute":"presence","value":"present"}]}}