Smartthings Android app update v1.7.51.42

ok, i will not but whats going on here? im checking this entire post but didnt understood why mobile phone are now showing itself by “placeholder”

The new presence sensor in the latest version of the ST app now uses the placeholder and not the old groovy mobile presence sensor. There was a change.

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ok thanks for your response!, btw, im still having issues about presence using my mobile phone after re-adding on webcore and updating my piston… its being recognized as “no present” when im here :raising_hand_man:t2: any help?

A little strange but I would check it when you physically leave and return to see if it is updating properly.

I’ve had success with turning off Wi-Fi for a little while and then turning it back on again. It seems to flip the occupancy off and on and the latter will set ‘present’ first.

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it works! Thanks for the tip, right now it’s raining and I can’t go out for a walk…thanks both you guys @jkp

Any luck? Now I’m having same problem

anyone else is experiment same erratic behavior while coming back to your place?

I mean, now every time I cross back my geofence, smartthings triggers a “combo state” showing “presence” + “no presence" + “presence” on a basic IFFTT applet to confirm this erratic behavior…

I give up
I have no solution

Just back and forth with Support…

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Someone in Korea must really like tequila

View more Huy Dung Mobile : sửa điện thoại hcm và bạn có thể tham khảo thêm bằng ngôn ngử tiếng việt sửa điện thoại samsung

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For the non-Samsung Android phone users: do you see a “Personal Devices” section on the Devices tab? Or is that only Samsung phones?

I do not see that on my Pixel 5.

I got nothing, just rooms and my regular devices.


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This is what it should look like. Doesn’t seem you are missing out on anything though…

Should be renamed to

A page for stuff that cannot be used in Smartthings but shows up anyway


Couldn’t agree more with my buddy Mike! Worst thing is you can’t remove it!


This is a Samsung phone I assume?

Yup. I thought it was there for everyone

If you own a Samsung phone AND have over 200 devices, shoot me a DM.

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I ll start buying tomorrow. 130 to go :stuck_out_tongue:


Dagnabit, another achievement I don’t know how to get !