Smartthings Android app update ( 22 Oct 2023 ) version

You can see the temperature is one value as it is within or less than the said 6.5°F or units like in my last post (when I wrote my last post temperature was a range like the humidity with a reading of 69°~75.5°F; this is where I got my 6.5 unit value), but you can see the humidity is a range as it is more than this 6.5 unit value.

Again, I believe this value is 5 units not 6.5, but I could only confirm 6.5 units with 100% certainty.

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My temp and humidity has now gone to a single number but with 2 digits after the decimal point, something is screwy


Why can we not just have averages of internal and seperately external with the abilitiy to choose which devices are used

And same per room, currently if a device is excluded from an average, it does not show at the top of a room… why ? The way it is now is just senseless and not helpful

Seems reasonable. From what I’ve seen in the API, the temperature and humidity summaries are referred to as INDOOR_TEMPERATURE and INDOOR_HUMIDITY which rather suggests what they are intended to be.

I haven’t discovered where the temperature and humidity ranges are coming from. The only endpoint I know about shows just the average.

@orangebucket When I select average temperature card I get this view

with 3 dots getting me option to select devices

Also if you select 3 dots on Favorite page and show Home status, you can select individual devices for each category

Info icon explains each category

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I was talking about what I could see at the API level as opposed to what I see after the mobile apps have put their own spin on it. For example, for temperature:

    "icon": "",
    "label": "Temperature",
    "status": "19.8 °C",
    "details": {
        "cardType": "INDOOR_TEMPERATURE",
        "indoorTemperature": {

You can also get a configuration/presentation for the summary tiles. However that only shows the average value calculations with no sign of a range so it possible the apps have chosen to do their own thing there, as they so often do. Or it might mean there is somewhere else to look.


I’ve started to receive notifications every time a routine based on presence runs. For example, if a routine runs because I’m away I now receive a notification stating SmartThings shared location information with the members of Home. Any idea how to disable these?

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@milandjurovic71 Nice Catch! It was driving me nuts… grabbing thermostats from two separate physical locations I have. Thanks!!!

Does anybody know what criteria are used for a device to be included in the “Lights” category for the summary tiles?

I’ve got a mix of Zigbee and Z-wave smart switches and dimmers that control lights. Out of about 60 devices that control lights, there are 11 in the list to be selected.

Included are:

  1. Two Sengled bulbs (expected)
  2. Three different models of GE/Jasco Zigbee dimmers
  3. Five vEdge virtual dimmers
  4. One Securifi Peanut Plug

Not included are:

  1. All GE/Jasco Zigbee switches
  2. One GE/Jasco Zigbee outlet
  3. One GE/Jasco Z-wave switch
  4. All Leviton Z-wave switches and dimmers
  5. All Zooz Z-wave switches and dimmers

Also getting the full notification relating to location sharing. Presence seemed to stop working after the recent app and/or hub f/w updates but after re-doing the geo and disable/enable the routines as a fix, the notification stays and alerts with sound - before an ST icon just briefly appeared along the top line.

Location by phone is always challenging with too much latency before detecting in or out of the geo and triggering routines, although it seemed slightly improved with Android 14. Clicking the location button in Google Earth always instantly updates ST location so it must be fixable.

Same here, just a day or two ago. I haven’t looked into it yet, but I will not, especially since it’s annoying more than anything.

Started happening on iOS as well. iOS has not yet had the recent update so this appears server-based.

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Has to be because I can’t find anywhere int he app where to enable/disable these kind of notifications.

@Ivan_Luis_Falleau (nayelyz tagged you since she’s Out of Office) - where do we disable this "feature in the mobile app? Can you help?

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Hello @johnconstantelo and every one, this question is actually out of our scope, but you can contact customer support for this. Anyway, if I find something I will let you know.


Thanks @Ivan_Luis_Falleau .

If others create a ticket, mine is #1546614

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The only configuration file I have found has this section for lights …

                "light": [
                        "observableDeviceEvents": [
                                "capability": "switch",
                                "component": "main",
                                "attribute": "switch"
                                "capability": "switchLevel",
                                "component": "main",
                                "attribute": "level"
                        "supportedPlatforms": [
                        "type": "oic.d.light",
                        "states": [
                                "capability": "switch",
                                "component": "main",
                                "visible": [
                                        "capability": "switch",
                                        "component": "main",
                                        "value": "switch.value",
                                        "operand": "on",
                                        "operator": "EQUALS"
                                "active": true,
                                "label": "{{___PO_CODE_ON}}"
                                "capability": "switch",
                                "component": "main",
                                "visible": [
                                        "capability": "switch",
                                        "component": "main",
                                        "value": "switch.value",
                                        "operand": "off",
                                        "operator": "EQUALS"
                                "active": false,
                                "label": "{{___PO_CODE_OFF}}"
                                "visible": [
                                        "capability": "switchLevel",
                                        "component": "main",
                                        "value": "level.value",
                                        "operand": "0",
                                        "operator": "GREATER_THAN"
                                "active": true,
                                "label": "{{___PO_CODE_ON}}"
                                "active": false,
                                "label": "{{___PO_CODE_OFF}}"
                        "observableDeviceEvents": [
                                "capability": "switch",
                                "component": "main",
                                "attribute": "switch"
                        "supportedPlatforms": [
                        "type": "oic.d.smartplug",
                        "states": [
                                "capability": "switch",
                                "component": "main",
                                "visible": [
                                        "capability": "switch",
                                        "component": "main",
                                        "value": "switch.value",
                                        "operator": "EQUALS",
                                        "operand": "on"
                                "active": true,
                                "label": "{{___PO_CODE_ON}}"
                                "active": false,
                                "label": "{{___PO_CODE_OFF}}"
                "update": {
                    "type": "immediately"
                "card": [
                        "visible": {
                            "value": "{{$.activedevices().count()}}",
                            "operand": "0",
                            "operator": "GREATER_THAN"
                        "arguments": [
                        "label": "{{___PO_CODE_PD_ON}}"
                        "label": "{{___PO_CODE_OFF}}"
                "group": {
                    "actions": [
                            "standbyPowerSwitch": {
                                "state": {
                                    "valueType": "string",
                                    "alternatives": null,
                                    "label": null,
                                    "value": "switch.value",
                                    "off": "off",
                                    "on": "on"
                                "command": {
                                    "name": null,
                                    "argumentType": null,
                                    "off": "off",
                                    "on": "on"
                            "capability": "switch",
                            "component": "main",
                            "displayType": "standbyPowerSwitch"
                    "states": [
                            "component": "main",
                            "capability": "switch",
                            "label": "{{___PO_CODE_GROUP_ON}}",
                            "value": "switch.value"

My interpretation of that was that it only looked at devices with an explicit ocfDeviceType of oic.d.smartplug or oic.d.light. However I found that while that was true of the tile settings page, the tile status page seemed to be based on the Light and SmartPlug categories which was why they were different.

They now seem to match which suggests that Light and SmartPlug may have won out and so the config file might not do what I thought it did. Either that or the mobile app is just ignoring the API and doing its own thing yet again.

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Luckily in newer Android its fairly easy to manage notifications - either from the app info or from the notification history - it seems to be the item ‘Provide Location Information’

This notification can be set to silent or disabled completely - first testing indicates things still continue to work internally to the ST app - routines are triggered - only the Android notification is affected.

Strangely the notification also pops on other devices running the ST app - not just the device that triggered it.


The location notifications just hit me/us about an hour ago, nothing changed on our end (the hub updated earlier this week and the app has been up to date for awhile). Luckily my entire family is on Android and I will attempt to change this notification setting on all of our devices, and hope it fixes the new issue.

Interesting. I also received a geolocation notification today when leaving, but I didn’t get one when I returned today since my Tasker or Amazon app geolocation must have triggered turning off the virtual home security switch instead of SmartThings geolocation. I’ve always noticed these notifications in the SmartThings log, but that was it without a system notification. This didn’t happen yesterday since I see them in the SmartThings log, but not in NotiStar. So could it be a server side change since it started happening all of a sudden, and there’s no setting to change it?

In the app, 3 bars Menu → Settings Gear there is a slider for “Notifications”

Under 3 bars Menu → Notifications → 3 dots Notification settings there is a global slider and one each for various ST aspects and for each device, - it’s unclear what these all do.

For now I’m sticking with disabling the notification from Android, reached via long press the ST app icon for App info → Notifications or by long press the notification when it pops or from the Android notification history if enabled.

The only benefit to having some notification is to know presence is working and a leave or return has been triggered - otherwise the notification history in the ST app gives a clue.

The latency can be long before it triggers so it can seem not to be working but clicking locate in Google Maps makes the ST app update its location - regardless of Android background settings it’s never worked reliably.

I see options to turn notifications on and off for ‘Hints and tips’, various stock SmartApps, and for individual devices. In the latter case it seems to affect those devices that have default notifications such as leak sensors and smoke sensors. If you use those devices in STHM you might choose to suppress the default notifications.

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