@ero4444 , have you seen this thread below? A few of us have been polishing up ST’s device type to dim below 10%, as well as option for dim rate and a few other things. Using Pollster along with this device type is also a very good idea.
There’s been a few updates to this thread, so please make sure to keep up with the latest posts at the bottom!
Sorry for starting another thread on these bulbs, but this warrants a new thread (I think). This thread provides the device type for the GE Link Bulb modified by community members specifically to allow ST to receive the bulb’s “ON” status when it’s manually turned on by a switch - not the app.
Thank you to this community for all the help, especially @Sticks18 for the code snippet that did the trick. This was a shortcoming to address between ST and the bulb, and this community did it. The device type code below works for the several bulbs I have. Now whenever someone in my house turns on a lamp with one of these bulbs ST’s app correctly shows the status of the bulb - yea!
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