Smart Alarm 2.4 Is Available

Just checking in - up and running yet?

I understand there are issues on ST’s end that are preventing updates on this app. The only time I’ve run into disarm/rearm issues is if I run an arming phrase and then run a disarming phrase too quickly before the smart alarm actually armed. Anyway mine has been working reliably until recently. Smart alarm isn’t telling my siren to go if the alarm is tripped anymore. Not showing in my activity fee at all.

Anyone have a good method for “Taking out the dog”, basically where you would want the alarm to disarm for X minutes then automatically rearm, or automatically rearm after an event, but only after the “Taking out the dog” has initially been triggered by the user?

Hi all. I am really new to SmartThings. Just a few door sensors and Sirens. What I want is a SmartApp that I would call “Turn On/Off All Alarms”. I have a Siren, actually several, hooked up to my Sensors. It works great! Whenever a Sensor is “opened” an alarm goes on. When the Sensor closes, the alarm shuts off. However, I would like one SmartApp where I can turn them all on/off at the same time. When we leave the house or go to bed, I can manually turn on all the alarmed sensors with just one SmartApp. When we are in the house and awake, I can turn them all off at the same time. Does that make sense?

@whcrist that is exactly what SmartAlarm does. You define your zones and then which modes your house is in to trigger Stay/Away/Disarm. So for example if you are set to “Away” mode on your house you may have it turn on “Away” mode on the SmartAlarm. Then if any sensor is breached it will trigger the alarm(s) you define. There are also “always alert” zones such as water sensors and smoke/co2.

Other than the ST API changes causing issues SmartAlarm is an amazingly put together SmartApp.

Awesome. SO I need to download and install SmartAlarm? And I get it from this Github site?

@whcrist yes, login to the ST IDE website (

Go under “My SmartApps” then click “+ New SmartApp”, click the “From Code” tab.

Then copy and the raw code from the github site (

Then paste it into the ST IDE and click “Create”. Once created select “Publish” -> “For Me”.

Alright, I just did all that. It says it was published for me. Now what?

Okay, I just found it under My Apps. How cool is that! reading about it now so I can better understand it. I believe I need to undo my connection between my siren and sensors first and then set them up under SmartAlarm.

@whcrist yes, you will want to remove anything you setup as a make shift alarm or they may cause issues.

I second the “take out the dog” option. My alarm just sends a message to my phone right now, until it’s wife ready :smile:

I set the alarm off almost every time I let the dogs out…lol

Would like to see what others are doing.


I will code something up this weekend to do it. Basically we just need it to either run a Hello Home command wait X or for Y to trigger, then run another Hello Home command.

My case would be “Hello Take out Dog”; Wait for door to be closed for 5 minutes; execute “Hello Return from Dog”.

Does that sound similar to your use case @swindmiller?

Yeah @chuck_pearce that would help, thanks. I am still trying to figure out what would be best to re-arm the system…maybe just a timer in my case. We have 3 dogs that have to be let out separately or they act stupid…lol
So a timer in my case would be best. Thanks for any help you can lend :smile:

Well it is almost there, for some reason it isn’t triggering the first setLocationMode value, and I can’t figure out why. I will let you know when that is working.

One issue I did have is I could not determine how to execute/select from the “Hello Home” capability. So right now the app just changes the mode the house is in.

The contact sensor is untested.

Create the app and devicetype under the repository for takeOutDog.groovy

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Thanks! I’ll get to it as soon as I can.

Trying to setup Rest Endpoints for Arm and Disarm. Following the instructions from here:

The BASE_URL is, where APP_ID is the installed Smart App ID.

The REST API requires Access Token. You can obtain the access token using SmartThings OAuth2 workflow, however as a convenience, Smart Alarm creates the token for you. You can find your app’s base URL and access token in the SmartThings IDE.

Go to My Locations3 and click on the “smartapps” link for your Location. Then find “Smart Alarm” in the list of Installed SmartApps. Right-click on the “Smart Alarm” and select “Open Link in New Window”. Scroll down to the “Application State” section. There you’ll see “accessToken” and “restEndpoint”. Save those values and plug them in into your web app.

When I check the “Application State” section I dont have an “access Token” section and nothing is under “restEndpoint”

Am I missing something or is there an updated set of instructions?

Also if I disarm using this method, will the mode change automatically or will it just disarm the alarm?


I am not familiar with using the REST endpoints with SmartAlarm but I would imagine that this would only deal with needing to trigger the alarm state from an external application. Say you wanted to use IFTTT to trigger your alarm status, and no it should not change the mode since Smart Alarm bases its states on modes. You might be better off using a REST API into your home location and just changing the mode which will have the result of changing the alarm state based on the mode you set.

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That’s correct. The REST API is going away in the next release because there are better options available now to control modes remotely (e.g. ActiON dashboard).

Just posted an update to the app, it now has Hello Home commands working (thank you @ethayer), and auto triggers by a door being unlocked.

Still having the issue with the switch triggering a mode change, but based on what @geko said in another thread I created, this may be a known limitation/issue right now.

I will test the application this evening when I am at home and create a new thread as to not muddy up this wonderful piece of work that is Smart Alarm.

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I have Smart Alarm installed and love it so far. A couple questions:

  • Any way to granularly control the notification. Currently when I leave home, I get a ST notification that it’s performing a “Good Bye”, then I get a SA notification that the system is away, then I get an SA notification about my zones being activated…it just seems like a lot.

  • How do you silence an alarm? Say my phone dies and I walk in the house, how can I shut it off?

  • Any option to blink lights instead of just turning them on?

Thanks again, great app.