I haven’t got around to sorting out the SMS workaround, but thought it as worth replying to this because my smartthings alarm is pretty kickass imho : D
Basically, battery powered door sensor in the shed, and a 12v (?) siren/strobe for about a fiver off amazon along with a 12v (?) DC PSU and a smartplug.
Because I like a visual deterrent too, I have one of those blue strobe-y ‘fake’ battery powered alarm boxes too to show when the alarm is active too, again, powered by a DC PSU and smartplug.
Add a few rules etc into the mix and the end result is a visible blue strobe on the shed (been working for more than a year), and when I open my back door (has a door sensor) into the garden (garden is enclosed, so it’s the only way in), the shed alarm is automatically disabled, blue strobe switches off and a voice announces the shed alarm is disabled. Allows me to happily enter the shed without messing about needing to disable the alarm (or forgetting to!). And when I close the back door, so long as the shed door is closed, the alarm re-arms (and announces) after 30 secs and flicks the blue lights back on.
All works rather well. And quite simple. Obviously if the alarm is enabled and the shed door opens the siren screams it’s tits off ! : p