Ive built a custom device handler for managing my alarm system, but I now was to have separate simulated sensors for each of the alarm zones. Ive seen a few cases on these forums about how to do it, but they are quite different in use case and seem to involve tons of complexity which I can’t believe is required…
Basically I have a web enabled device which is sending and receiving JSON strings to a custom device handler (identified by MAC address as its DNI in ST), this is then updating several tiles using various sendEvents. I would like to forward these events to a separate device in order to use more easily with things like CoRE (I have a simulated contact sensor that I have built to support open/close and active/inactive). If you could help with a few questions I feel like I can get back to making some progress myself again, thanks very much in advance!
As I understand it one device cannot communicate with another, unless a SmartApp is involved? I would know the DNI of these sub devices as I would create them, but I cant find a method to search for a device based on a DNI.
Assuming I need a SmartApp, are there any simple examples to show how I can pass a ‘send event style map’ to a custom SmartApp, and then the SmartApp will call the relevant device function (such as open()/close()…)
In order to do the SmartApp based solution I believe I need to select connected devices in the preferences? If there is another option Id be happy to look at that too. I can see creation of childDevices, perhaps the SmartApp can be called with a ‘Setup’ procedure which searches for devices with a certain DNI, and if they do not exist then it creates them? Would that help since then they are childDevices?
Or another options is that I have to subscribe the SmartApp to various events in the Alarm DTH, Im not sure how to do this since each of the tiles is a fairly custom file (I dont know how to specify a tile as a switch/sensor., which can be subscribed to)
Sorry for the basic questions but I find the documentation really hard to understand (partially as my Java skills are limited and Im more used to simple C style code, and partially as I think the documentation is quite spread out and I struggle to follow it).
For anybody looking to do something similar, I eventually sussed it with the subscribe process.
* Visonic alarm integration to give simulated zones
name: "Visonic Zone Manager",
namespace: "cjcharles0",
author: "Chris Charles <cjcharles(at)gmail(dot)com>",
description: "SmartApp to update each of the simulated devices based on Visonic zone information",
category: "My Apps",
iconUrl: "http://www.astronnetworks.com/resources/photos/2014-08-19/visonic-logo.jpg",
iconX2Url: "http://www.astronnetworks.com/resources/photos/2014-08-19/visonic-logo.jpg",
oauth: false
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
preferences {
section("Alarm Panel:") {
input "paneldevice", "capability.polling", title: "Alarm Panel Device", multiple: false, required: true
section("Zone Devices:") {
input "zonedevices", "capability.sensor", title: "Visonic Zone Devices", multiple: true, required: false
def installed() {
log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}"
//Subscribe to relevant events from the paneldevice
def initialize() {
//Cycle through a max of 31 zones (which is Visonic limit)
for (def curzone = 1; curzone <= 31; curzone++) {
//Try and find a selected device with the correct DeviceID
def curzonedevice = zonedevices.find { it.deviceNetworkId == "visoniczone${curzone}" }
if (curzonedevice) {
//We have a device that matches the name so subscribe to the relevant tile on the alarm device
log.debug "Zone " + curzone + ": " + curzonedevice
subscribe(paneldevice, "visonic"+curzone, rsmHandler)
def updated() {
log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}"
//Remove all subscribed devices
//Now add them again
def rsmHandler(evt) {
//First correct the tile name (visonic#) to the simulated device name (visoniczone#)
def zoneText = evt.name.replaceAll('visonic','visoniczone')
//Now try to find a device matching the simulated device name
def zonedevice = zonedevices.find { it.deviceNetworkId == zoneText }
log.debug "${evt.name} is now ${evt.value} (sending to ${zonedevice})"
if (zonedevice) {
log.debug "Found a valid device so updating status"
//Was True... Zone Device: Front Door Sensor at zone1 is closed
//If the command was 'active' then automatically send an 'inactive' after 5 seconds
if (evt.value == "active") {
//First to the Visonic Alarm tile (need to run command sendInactive(zone))
//Secondly we also need to update the Simulated device