Satechi bluetooth button or iBolt button and Tasker . Ideas/help welcome

So ive been able to set my home button to launch any app I want. Currently ive selected the calculator.

Ive setup a tasker profile to use the launch of the calculator to initiate the toggle of the lights. This works fine.

I’m having an issue with exiting the app after executing the light toggle. As it sits, I can only figure out a way to:
Click home, launch calc
Lights toggle state
Tasker task waits predetermined time before “go home” is initiated

At this point, when the phone goes to home, it restarts the tasker profile, essentially looping the tasker profile.

What I want:
Home button launches very low memory app which triggers toggle of lights, wait x seconds, app is killed and phone returns to home screen (to wait for next command).

This is using nova launcher prime on galaxy note , unrooted.

Any assistance here IS MUCH appreciated as this would work with either of the buttons I’ve ordered.

The dash button is something I seriously looked at, but required too much work to be a reliable solution for my wife’s requirements. I’d hit it like a boss if it was for me, but I’m not afraid of Alexa, so ima use voice control.

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