The groovy excerpts below are all in the same SmartApp
I have a device handler where I set variables for the current value of a light and dimmer switch, like this:
def doorWindowOpenHandler(evt) {
log.debug “doorWindowOpenHandler called: $evt”
def theOriginalSwitchState = theSwitch.currentSwitch // save original light switch state
log.debug "The Original Switch State: $theOriginalSwitchState"
def theOriginalDimmerLevel = theDimmerSwitch.currentLevel // save original dimmer level
log.debug "The Original Dimmer Level: $theOriginalDimmerLevel"
All of the above works fine, I see the appropriate messages with the values in the logs.
However, in my door closed device handler:
def doorWindowClosedHandler(evt) { // wait x seconds, set lights back to previous state
log.debug “doorWindowClosedHandler called: $evt”
log.debug "Setting the Switch On/Off: $theOriginalSwitchState"
log.debug "Setting the dimmerSwitch Level to: $theOriginalDimmerLevel"
The above values come out in the logs as nul. How can I retain the values between the handlers?