[REMOVED] Nest Manager

Thanks for the reply. I did. I forgot the first time. Re-read the instructions and went back and enabled oauth.

I’ll delete them via the IDE.

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These were the reasons given on why there is no official Nest integration. That’s why I was asking Anthony about this. It would be a very bad if his Nest Manager gets shut down because of the way ST handles the data or something like that.

I appreciate you trying to look out for this.

I made sure when developing to keep the app from violating Nest’s or SmartThings terms.
Like I was saying before they would have to shut down the existing hacked device handler long before they would ours


I added this smartapp today and was having some issues with the Nest Presence Sensor. It’s staying as “Away” and keeps saying “Device is: not present”. I thought this was using the Nest’s motion sensing capabilities as a separate device type. Is it supposed to be a different device like an arrival sensor? By the way, I have two Nests so wasn’t sure if they were working together in this case.

When I hit the Away button on the Nest Presence Sensor, it goes to Home but then turns back to Away immediately. That also turns my thermostat to Away as well.

Any ideas?

PS - I apologize if I’m missing something obvious. Just got my Smartthings hub yesterday and am very new to this stuff.

I noticed issues with Nest Presence this afternoon. I have been looking at my logs, but nothing helping me yet.

How it works. We ask the Nest API every 3 minutes what state the Nest location is in and we report it as presence.

I have 2 nests, and they work together to determine away/home. If they are in the same location they have the same presence state.

edit: Well I am still seeing this error in my logs: com.netflix.astyanax.connectionpool.exceptions which is telling me that Astyanax (Cassandra Database Driver) is failing on ST side. Will continue to monitor.

So what they’re saying is, Nest doesn’t play well with others. To have official Nest integration would severely defeat the functionality and point of Smarthings and SmartApps in general.

If this SmartApp gets shut down, that would have nothing to do with ST and the way they “handle data”, this has everything to do with Nest’s policies but that being said the existing Nest SmartApps haven’t been shut down to date so far so it’s probably not going to happen (fingers crossed).

@tonesto7 what happens when we run into your 1000 user limit? Does it just stop accepting more connections? How does it measure this limit? Is it concurrently active users making requests or is it a historical number of different users? How will Nest respond to you and your token and will getting you certified run into the same issues that ST is when trying to get official integration?

Remember you are the consumer and you can use your device however you see fit. By having unofficial integration it requires you to jump through a few hoops, and that implies you agree to using the devices together.

We have a couple solutions if we hit the 1000 limit. Worse case people can sign up for their own Nest account, and just replace the keys in the smartApp.

I’m not sure I understand what you mean by your first paragraph but good to know you’ve got a plan in case the 1000 user limit is hit.

The keys are only need on initial install to create the token which does not expire. So IF we hit 1000 no new users can create tokens under those keys. I then have another developer app with another 1000 so all that is needed it to replace the key and secret, or like desert said you can create your own.

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When the Nest developer site shows 55 (active) users of the 1000 available.
I would say that is a pretty good start in a 24 hour period. :smile:

It is based on active token usage.

That’s the million dollar question. Nest touts how developer friendly they are. I have a feeling that ST will be the one who refuses to certify it.
Once everything is stable I will submit to Nest

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Think I fixed an issue with Presence. Be expecting an update.

Just committed v1.0.2 of Presence and Thermostat. Please update your code

My polling seems to be inconsistent:

Mine looks the same. However, I am not sure if it is supposed to continuously write to the logs if there are no changes every minute (if that is what your polling is set to)?

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I wouldnt worry about anything connected to ST right now. its going downhill fast with the current issues.

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You can alway just watch the logs in the IDE for Nest Manager It when and how long till the next poll

I compared the two versions, overwrote my version, then published again. Is there anything else I need to do with the devices to update?

The presence sensor stopped polling at 11:15pm last night and hasn’t checked again since. It still tells me “Away” and Device Not Present.

Ide seems to say all the right things but it doesn’t seem to be happening in practice.

grasshopper wait for therm to fix the outages there are database issues and that is causing everything to act wonky


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