Robotcleanermovement has a bunch of junk I’m not using and it looks like it’s picked that up in automations.
Refresh isn’t normally used in automations, I will remove it from the next release and it’s just the same as pulling down to refresh on the status screen.
On/off is the master start stop switch, I have it so you can control the robot from the tile which is currently not supported by robotcleanermovement. You can just use on/off in most automations, it should work for you. The only reason to use robotcleanermovement in automations is if you want to be notified if it is charging or if there is an error.
Standby vs Pause vs Off - - pause is when it is cleaning and you manually pause but don’t stop the job by pressing off. Off is when the job is actually stopped and it is back at the base but not charging.
Error - any error except bin status
Returning to Dock - this is when the job has been stopped (switched off) but it hasn’t made it back to the base to confirm charging yet.
Scheduled - unused
Point Cleaning - unused
Charging before Cleaning - unused
Charging - when it has returned to base and is charging
Cleaning - on
I don’t use point cleaning, implementing such a feature is not really possible with the tools we have, and I haven’t bothered to implement scheduling because you can achieve it with regular automations instead.