[Release] [Closed] Google Assistant Relay V1 - Google Home Audio Notifications!

I can not get a shortcut or routine to work when trying to play a video on my chromecast. “play the office on bedroom tv” also does not work for some reason.

That’s because you can’t direct which device it’s going to go to. Your broadcast is only to all of the devices on the network.

However, I did find this novel workaround in the Google forum. Not worth it for me since I’m using it to broadcast all over the house for notifications, but this should get you the functionality you’re trying to get.

Create a Gmail account for each google home/mini you have and assign each home that email through the home app in the settings for the home device.

Basically add each Gmail account to your phone or whichever device you want to be able to broadcast to individual specific devices in your home (the menu for your ghome app ‘similar to gmail’ app will show each account we’re you can switch between them) when you want to broadcast to say your kids room for example you could then use Google assistant (squeeze on Pixel 2, tap the menu switch to email account attached to kids room device and then ask Google to broadcast a message)

  • because you can attach multiple email accounts to each google home device so they responds to specific users (mainly for features like voice recognition and casting apps associated with said accounts) you can still keep your main email attached to all the devices so everything works as is for your personal experience.
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What @David_Van is doing though isn’t a broadcast, its a custom command.

The problem is that the Google Assistant SDK doesn’t support media controls yet

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Hey guys, I’m trying to understand how my Google sdk stops the script on my pi3 when the internet is down for 2 minutes. Gttwmmt start up and when I get home I must reboot my pi just to make it work.
Is there any workaround?

Are you using Forever? That is what should keep it up and running.

I am but when internet disconnects as I have a lot of electrical spikes(DSL and still in the stone age.) I came home and nothing was being broadcast. Restarted the internet and still nothing. Only after rebooting the pi or closing the script and restarting did it work. Is there something that can recheck the internet then restart the script

That is what forever is supposed to do. When you weren’t getting broadcasts did you try to SSH into your Pi to see if it was running? If it wasn’t then there you go. If it was, then we’d have to look at console log of your relay and see what it was saying. I suspect its been over written now since it’s been a few days.

I am sorry if this has already been asked, but is anyone aware of a way to receive a response from the Ghome on a custom command or broadcast. For Ex: broadcast “Is anyone there?” and receive a reply from human on Ghome and pass in response of web request?

You have to add at the end of your url,after your username of “&converse=true”. It works for some commands but not any that require a website response. If you do, look in your Google Home app and you’ll end up seeing the response there. Like “when’s the next full moon.” doesn’t give a response on GH but instead in the app.

You’re saying that when you send a custom command with converse true of “whens the next full moon”, the response only logs to console, not over your GH?

Yea I know the converse option. What I was really looking for was a way to start a custom assistant application on the GHome. So building a custom Google action on dialogflow and hosting it on our Google account, and trigging it programmatically through the assistant relay. Basically instead of the assistant relay using the assistant sdk to process the request, pass the request to the GHome to process and start the custom app.

No, I’m saying it also logs to your google home app on your phone. This is because it doesn’t have a speakable answer but instead directs your to a website reference.

Uhm…I think you’re a tad bit outside of scope on that one. First of all…“Custom assistant application”? Like you mean another app developed for the assistant SDK. Well, sure, but why would you need to start it from Assistant Relay? Why not just start it from your Assistant interface on your phone or GH? It seems that if your custom assistant application is working then you should be able to trigger it without assistant relay, right?

Ah, gotcha! Let me have a dig around. I dont think there will be anything that can be done there

Oh…I don’t think there can be. It’s directing you to a website. If you asked the same thing of your home it would respond the same way because it can’t read out all the answers. I was just clarifying for @Eddie_Ke.

Anyone who has recently set this up. Where did you get your client secret file from? I see Google have updated their documentation, but the process is no longer the same

Looks the same to me. console.cloud.google.com. I put it all on my instructions page.

Those still appear to be correct as far as I can tell.


Ah got it. Slightly different process but found the credentials. Ta

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I helped you?!? And now the student has become the master. :rofl: Sorry, that just really, REALLY cracked me up.


Haha yes. Google love to change things without giving proper instruction on how to handle the changes. Following their documentation leads you to nowhere!