Thank you so much for keeping our google devices up to date with edge driver, this driver is doing so much more than the original smart app that I was using (tts is a huge difference).
With my 18 devices (groups included and chromecasts) I have not experienced any issues.
My only request would be to have an option to hide some cast devices like chromecast 4k, in my case I only want the speakers, groups and chromecast audio. I’d like to hide the chromecast for the tvs. Other than that this is perfect for me, thanks again!
Sorry, I think I have not explained my so clear. I’m searching for a way to copy/overwrite google-tts.js file with linux commands on my rpi3 from my windows laptop with either WinSCP or just PuTTY. I have not write access to the specific directory on my rpi3.
I understand this but I am not using RPI3 for this purpose rather using dory node js on a spare android phone for cast web api.
Any idea how to update google tts on that.
Would you mind adding this to the Readme? For whatever reason I tried this but the Android keyboard struck again with capitalizing the first letter and it only made me feel like I didn’t know what to put here.
Maybe something like:
When using a preset in a routine, enter the the preset in this format: preset# (e.g. preset1). Ensure the word preset is entered in all lower case.
Thanks again for all your work! With your work here and with the Blue Iris (lan motion sensors), my dream of casting my motion-active cameras has now come true.
Ditto here… this driver worked perfectly out of the gate including TTS (without updating the library). When they shut down my smart app today I thought i might as well give this a go… and it runs PERECT!
Thank you so much @TAustin you saved my smart home!
I said that about TTS under the assumption the “Play message on Speaker” Routines in SmartThings was using TTS. If that is the case, everything worked right out of the box. If not… No need to read no further.
I had many routines which was using cast-web-api 1.2.1 which cast to both my Goggle devices and one of my Sonos systems and all was working well until SmartThings cut off the smart app. All my Routines remained in place when I went through the following steps because I never removed the Sonos device. Caveat: I am 67 years old with not the best memory, but I believe I went through the following steps:
I left my current cast-web-api 1.2.1 running on my always on PC, and left all the cast-web-api devices and the cast-web-api app in SmartThings.
I then installed the current Google Cast V0.1 driver, scanned for devices which located the Google Cast Manager device. Entered the IP address and port address under device settings and then rescanned for cast devices with no success.
I then removed all of the cast devices that were generated by old cast-web-api smart app and confirmed deletion by using the old Groovy IDE. I then removed the old cast-web-api smart app and confirmed that in the Groovy IDE also, Lastly, I deleted the cast-web-api Groovy Device Handlers from the IDE.
I then returned to the SmartThings app and did another scan for devices, and Wala! All the google devices that cast-web-api had previously added were relocated, including the speaker groups.
And finally, I went into all of my Routines using the “Sonos” search and added back in the Google Cast “Announcements” speaker group in the “Audio devices” under “Play message on speaker”. Tested my Routines by having my Son leave the Geofence and also tripping a leak with one of my leak sensors. The Routines worked perfectly and quickly announced to the home using my Google and Sonos devices. Never had to update any TTS library to make things work.
‘play message on speaker’ thing is working for sure in ST app but not the TTS (speech synthesis), thus it can’t be used in routines outside ST app like Sharptools, unless tts is updated as mentioned above.
Thanks for such a detailed reply sharing your experience.
hey everyone, sorry for the maybe stupid question, but i am quite new to this whole thing…
so is it possible to control the volume of google nest audio speakers with a remote with this drivers?
and i need a device that’s always running? would a old raspberry be enough to handle this?
Yes, that is the device capabilities after setup. You need the instructions in the post above. I shared them so you knew you wouldn’t be wasting your time settting this up. Mine runs an always on windows PC so I can’t help with the RPi but others might.
If you get stuck, I’ll do my best to answer questions but I’ll admit I’m not an expert.