[RELEASE] cast-web v1.2.1 - Chromecast Integration (EDGE Driver discussion begins in post 1668)

I had the same issue. Opening the device in the app and pressing paus / play or on/off changed the name. I had to do it one by one.

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Love some help getting this working. I’m up to the forever start step, but I’m getting the following message:

C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cast-web-api>forever start castWebApi.js
warn: --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms
warn: --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms
info: Forever processing file: castWebApi.js
error: Cannot start forever
error: script C:\Users\arkin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\cast-web-api\castWebApi.js does not exist.

I cannot find castWebApi.js anywhere. Am I missing something (other than the file)? Thanks in advance for any help.


Today i have installed everything correctly en set the API adres.
But if i run the discovery then there’s coming no devices.

If i look at the log of de web-api windows application then i see nothing.
After that i have decided to install the npm version, nothing specials.

But in Smarrthings IDE i got an error. This is with the npm version and windows application.
“18:24:25: error java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “253:80” @line -1 (doCall)”

Has someone an idea whats this is?

Please help. Trying to follow the tutorial to get cast-web up and running on Android 7 tablet.
Stuck in Dory. Git Clone seems to be working fine. NPM Install looks different to what is shown in the Tutorial video. however seems to finish OK after a while. When I try to start the API it stops with a syntax error in …/lib/config/assistent-setup.js :1 :80
I have no clue what is going on

Will this setup work for the new app ?
If it’s a first time setup?

Did you get anywhere with this?

Is there any way in webcore that I can make a google speaker start listening?
What I want is, after a TTS, the speaker starts listening without me having to say ok Google or get google


Is this Plugin DEAD after the new Samsung CrapApp replaced the classic app ?

After I follow all steps, I`m supposed to enter my Local IP info, but it nowhere to be found in the Smartthing app !!


Read posts above yours

Ah. I’m sorry.

I found a post about replacing the STRING with Text.

It did not help, so I changed string with my IP.
Will that work?

Also my Cast Web IP is 127.0. 0.1
That is strange, because the computers IP is 192.168.

Is the 127 IP correct?

I’m going to suggest reading the instructions again.

"Download and install node.js (Windows Installer)
Open the node.js command prompt
run npm install cast-web-api-cli -g
see command line usage info by running cast-web-api-cli
start the api by running cast-web-api-cli start"

I really can’t see what I’m missing?
I follow every step.

" Enter your cast-web-api address. The API will output something looking like this on startup."

My ip is , and not something like that.
But I can’t understand what I’m supposed to do more, I study the instructions.

It says right there, you need to add your ip and port in settings, not leave the default. You’ll need to give the server a static ip as well.

I’m confused where to find the port IP settings.

Only option I can find to enter IP adress is in ST settings.

But I would guess its the IP on server that need to be set.
My server got a static IP, I’m already running plex server on that computer.

I can’t figure out how to change the Web Cast IP, and I would think that the Web cast server would detect its IP on the Host computer.

I don’t know where you set it on windows, on mac there’s a little gear icon on the bottom right of the GUI

Did anybody recently tried to install the node.js on an android device? Android versie 7.0. Tried for a whole afternoon myself, but I’m getting error messages running the npl.install.

sh: node-pre-gyp: not found.

Consequently start and std out doesn’t return the address as shown in the video (instructions https://vervallsweg.github.io/cast-web/) but a lot of error messages (syntax error: unexpected token function. Help would be appreciated

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Anyone else here can confirm that the IP adress on cast Web api is correct?

When that IP does not appear to be on the same numbers as the rest of my house (192.168…)

I am runnning cast-web on a windows 10 desktop and the IP address that works is the IP address of the desktop followed by :3000. That is 192.168.xx.xx:3000

ok, why is the WebCast Api server on the computer another IP ? (127.0.0) and how can I change it ?

In the Cast web - service manager app there is an input field for the API host address. I would input it there. If the field is not there on your app look for the fix in post 1455 above.

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