[RELEASE] Alexa Helper

Never seen that…sorry…

OK, one more thing. I created a device for your Alexa Switch. I then go to add that switch inside the app. And my logging shows the following. I pasted the raw code as specified in your wiki. Sorry for hitting you up 3 times in 15 mins…

4:55:00 PM: debug Error creating switch: physicalgraph.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException: Device type ‘Momentary Button Tile’ in namespace ‘MichaelStruck’ not found.

You will need to add the code from here: https://github.com/MichaelStruck/SmartThingsPublic/blob/master/devicetypes/michaelstruck/momentary-button-tile.src/momentary-button-tile.groovy

You may want to read this section of the wiki as well: http://thingsthataresmart.wiki/index.php?title=Alexa_Helper#Momentary_Button_Tile_Installation

And no worries contacting me…

I wanted to say thanks. Just got a SmartThings hub and have been having a lot of fun setting up different scenarios to trigger via Alexa with your app. This is the type of stuff that convinced me to buy ST. Kudos.

One question thus far, and it might be addressed already in this app but I tried searching and couldn’t find: Is there a way to use a command besides “turn on/of” to trigger things? Such as simply stating Alexa and then a phrase (ex: Alexa it’s party time)?

Thanks again for your work!

Thanks for the comments.

Unfortunately, the on/off or changing of the percentage of a dimmer is really all that is exposed by SmartThings to Alexa. So, you could set up whatever is ‘Party Time’ then create a switch called that. Then you would say “Alexa, turn on Party Time”. That is the only context that can currently be done outside of “Alexa, set Party Time to 50%” which may change a dimmer or light or something (What ever you set up).

Does that make sense? Welcome to SmatThings and Alexa, by the way…hope you enjoy it as much as many of us here do.


With the help of @CRubio I have updated the scenario app to 2.9.3. The original version used the HttpGet command to send REST API commands to Internet end points (from Graph.API.SmartThings). This was great when you used my other app, Cloud Interface, or the IFTTT Maker commands, but unless you punch some holes in your firewall this wouldn’t work well for items in your internal LAN. Now, you can choose to send REST API command internally as well. This is really for advanced users, as most will utilize the external (HTTPGet) commands, if they use them at all. At the core, Alexa Helper is really good at wrangling a lot of your SmartThings items that are not natively controlled by the Alexa, and that is really the use case. but if you have been struggling with controlling something internally (I am looking at you @foggy) this will help out.

The files are uploaded and the documentation has been updated: http://thingsthataresmart.wiki/index.php?title=Alexa_Helper#Latest_Version


Thank you so very much @MichaelS and @CRubio
Works perfectly. I so wish I had your smarts.

This opens real practical uses with Arduino & ESP8266.

Best wishes.

Excellent news! I was hoping that my testing was good enough for a sanity check. Glad that your testing bears it out further.

I’m really happy with the Alexa Helper and looking forward to additional Alexa capabilities when Smartthings exposes more of the Alexa Voice Service to us.

This new addition gives us much needed local control capability.

Good Luck.

Many thanks Again to Michael for creating such an extensible app.

@CRubio and I have talked about implementing SOAP commands, but that is highly advanced and am waiting to see if any other folks could find it useful.

Glad it is working for you!

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I had an older version installed. I went through un-installing them in the IDE. I then proceeded to install the new apps Helper and Scenario. I have the Switch installed as well. I can’t seem to get the Alexa Helper app to show up in my Mobile App for the life of me. The app is published/saved/set to “my home location.” I have installed and uninstalled it from scratch twice. I have tried to rename the parent and child apps to V2 to see if they would show up. I’m at a loss. I’m using iOS. The older versions I had no problem getting the app to show up in the mobile app. I simply logged out logged back in and it showed up.

Hi MichaelS (or anybuddy else),
I two months into Smartthings, getting Rule Machine figured out, and have happened upon one of the new Amazon Echo Dots and this SmartApp. I’ve worked from the instructions to install parent, child, Alexa switch device type and custom momentary switch device type. Parent is published, child is not. I had the same issue yesterday, deleted everything and have reinstalled today.Whew.

I’m trying to set up garage doors. I’ve got a pair of Iris (Linear GD-00Z-1) that work fine with other smart apps. I’m using the stock Z-Wave Garage Door Opener device handler.
I’ve created a Alexa Switch named "Garage Doors"
Scenario: “Garage Door Scenario” is type: "Modes/Routines/Devices…Control"
Everything seems to work fine when adding the door controls, EXCEPT even though they are ticked and shown in the config screen, the “SMART THINGS DEVICE CONTROL…” field says “unconfigured”, even after rechecking and saving the scenario. The result is that the switch does not control my garage doors.
Interestingly, I can add lights, thermostat control and other “things” to the switch and they are shown on the screen (and activate as expected).

Not sure what could be the issue…Can you send screen shots of your IDE? I assume you are attempting to re-add the Smartapp via the marketplace’ on your app?

Not 100% clear on what you are seeing…can you send a screenshot?

@MichaelS, I figured it out. I was assuming it would show up in the new IOS UI under the III icon on the upper right hand corner under smartapps. But you have to go to Marketplace > then to My Apps and set it up there and after you do it will show up under that location.

When using the Alexa Switch, why is On/Off not selectable? Mine only allows me to select either On or Off Only? I can now lock the locks using this but dont really want to have to create a Switch for On and a Switch for Off if I don’t have to?

Also how do you see/edit the Scenarios you’ve already created?

Thanks for your help on this. Versions 4.5.1 and 2.9.4, BTW
Below are screen caps.
When I got home from w*rk, I completely deleted devices, smart apps and device handlers.
I’ve reinstalled and here’s what I got. Note, I am able to set a Mode change, SHM change, other switch changes in this scenario but adding Garage Door(s) seems to work when I add them, but I get a “Status:UNCOMFIRMED- Tap to configure.” after I hit DONE.

I have two garage doors, and the app acts the same with both. I also tried to put Garage Doors on a momentary switch and had the same result.
One more piece of minutia, I installed the app from your raw code and then went on to update through the repository. There was a mismatch at the end, although I can’t see what it is. I updated from the repository to my local copy.

Installed Devices:

Device Types:


You may have an older version; the new version has on/off as default and should be selectable (the old method may have been in conflict with something in ST). Let me know if that fixes it for you.

Good catch…had a variable from a recent optimization that was misspelled…Just updated to 2.9.5…See if that works.

You Dirty Dog :dog:
It works. Thank you so much. I really appreciate the time you and others put into this stuff.
If you want to rename 2.9.5 “The Joe Release” I wouldn’t be offended.
Take good care,

Good to hear…and I appreciate you pointing this out! You can call it the Joe Release if you want :slight_smile:

@MichaelS I am sure you have mentioned this before, and I know this is really more a smart things question, than an Alexa Helper question, but can you explain the proper way to rebase/upgrade when you submit new changes to Github? Is it good enough to sync the changes and then hit ‘Publish’ in the IDE? or is there a better way? Thanks in advance! Also, I think this would be great info on your wiki.