Quirky GE Tapt Switch Device Type

Oh, and they are the latest firmware as well per my Wink hub.

the newest V2 update broke connection with these switches, they were fine before and fine reporting status. Now I can’t connect them. How can we fix this?

Is any support rep on this?

Can we please add back support for this device?? The custom device type workaround doesn’t perform status reporting, my house is full of these switches that worked perfectly with smartthings before the update

Please advise

Sorry @THE_KINGDOM life has been busy haven;t had much time for home automation lately. However, over the last few weeks I’ve had some issues that required me to put some attention into it.

You should not be using my custom device type. You should use the general device type of Zigbee Switch. THis device type allows for on/off control and instant reporting. This device type isn’t recognized by default when adding a TAPT device, you have to go into the IDE and change it to that.

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@mattjfrank I really appreciate your reply as will many in the community.
It’s strange because I tried that approach you described and I still couldn’t get it to work correctly. Let me give it one more shot, but if you have time pleasetry linking one of the TAPT switches by going into the IDE,

I actually removed my TAPT device from ST about a week ago because it and a few other devices were giving me trouble. After I read your message tonight I went and readded it. Before I could readd it I had to cut the power to it for about 30 seconds. Then once added it added as an unknown device. I logged into IDE and changed it to ZIgbee Switch and it’s work as I described.

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Hi Matt
 thanks for the feedback. Tried changing my switches to Zigbee Switch but they are not responding. I will try to reset one of the switches tomorrow and see if it does the trick.

By the way, I am using a device handler which I modified based on the old GE Zigbee Switch. My device handler is not reporting real-time but updates about every 10-15 minutes.

Hi Matt,

I’ve tried adding normally, then going into IDE and changed it to ZIgbee Switch and its still not working, the switches aren’t responding under ZigBee switch. Won’t operate or report. In fact it just says it’s stuck on, and says “switching off” but there’s not change, the light is actually off.

Have you tried doing a network heal?

Unplug the SmartThings hub, including taking out any batteries, and just leave it totally off power for 20 minutes while leaving all your other zigbee devices on power.

This will cause the other zigbee devices to go into “panic mode” because they can’t find the hub.

Then when the hub comes back online, each of the individual devices should rebuild their neighbor tables. This was often pick up any missing devices.

It can take a while for the tables to rebuild, so you may not see the results until the next day. But it’s one of those “can’t hurt, might help” things that could be worth trying. :sunglasses:

Should each of the Quirky TAPT switches be added as a “zigbee switch” during this “network heal” process? Because I only have one of them added at the moment.

Thanks for the quick responses

Given that other people have said that changing to the other device type handler helped them, I would probably change them all before running the heal. That way if one of them is an essential repeater, it will get picked up in the first pass.

But you can run the heal as many times as you want. It just takes time.

Which device handler? The original one made by MattJfrank?
It doesn’t allow for device reporting, and Matt has indicated that the hub with IDE change to Zigbee switch, should allow the Tapt switches to work correctly and with reporting
 which they did used to by the way, before recent hub updates

The one that Matt suggested that you change to, just “zigbee switch.”

So I’ve tried all of these suggestions cannot get these switches to connect under ZigBee switch. They’re unresponsive and have been since the last few hub updates.
They only work with the custom device handler made by Matt, But then that doesn’t allow reporting. Is there a way to modify the custom device handler to allow reporting.
Many others seem to be in the same position as me

@mattjfrank I’ve tried removing the device and cutting power, smartthings cannot naturally recognize this switch. When I change the device type to zigbee switch, the switches still fail to operate. Have you tried completely removing a switch recently after the most recent updates?

Did you update your Tapt switch with a Wink hub recently?

not recently no, was there an update very recently?

I’ve never updated mine.

Unpair each of your TAPT’s from SmartThings
Remove my device type from your IDE completely
Kill breaker power to your TAPT
Reset your TAPT (press both buttons until the leds on it flash repeatedly fast)
Pair your TAPT to SmartThing start pairing in smartthings and press both button until leds flash fast and then flash slow.

it should add as an unknown device, now go into the IDE and change it to zigbee Switch.

I would say if this still dont work try it on another one of your switches but this is what I did exactly.

I wanted to chime in to say I have the exact same problem, tried everything suggested but no dice. It will only work with the custom device handler

This is the warning message I get in the log using the zigbee switch device handler:

warn DID NOT PARSE MESSAGE for description : catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0000 00 ADA9 00 00 0000 0B 01 0081

Not recently, but I unpaired my stuff from ST back in June and paired it back to Wink just for fun after we moved. I have never gotten my Tapt switches to work as generic Zigbee after that.