I have start to try SmartThings Edge. And I have followed the instructions to complete the installation of a sample driver.
Now, I start to configure the working environment-I am using Android Studio, a lot of confusing places, I guess the document is written based on Ubuntu or Linux, certainly not based on Windows. Is there an IDE configuration guide under Win10, thank you!
This is my current progress:
There are some discussions on the subject from a few days ago in this thread:
Nothing documented specifically for Windows at this point that I am aware of, but you aren’t the only one hoping to see that happen.
I have tried my best to solve this problem:
1. Update Lua to the version5.4.3.The last version, released on 29 Mar 2021. Other version I did not try.The reason for the above error is that the 5.1 version of Lua does not support displacement operation.
You can find Lua5.4.3 source here, but I neeed install it on Win10, so I compiled it, do like this WiKi
2. Before you instal the new verion of Lua, you should unstall the old version.After you install the new version, enter “lua” in the cmd line, if the string “Lua 5.4.3 Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Lua.org, PUC-Rio” is showed, it means you success!
3.Restart your IntelliJ IDEA( I install Android Studio), maybe you have to reconfigur the Run/Debug Configuration.
After these steps, I run the project, A new error happeded at the line of 397 in file dkjson.lua:
I replaced “pos” with “tonumber(pos)”, The error disappear.
Compilation is complete, and no errors are reported now. A lot of report information is generated. I need to study carefully to know what’s going on.
Good luck to all of you who encounter the same problem! Thank you!