When I do an httpPost to a local address, I am assuming it doesn’t use my local network and I really need to address my devices with the IP given to me by the ISP and open ports on my router. That right?
Also, when I do this I am attempting to connect to my Roku, which I can do locally or using my ISP up using
curl -d ‘’ http://(ip):8060/
However when doing this in a smart app using http post I get a Forbidden response. Also, I have 9251 forwarded to 8060.
Correct, httpPost is executed in the cloud, you need the public IP and port forwarding. HubAction on the other hand uses the hub to connect, so you can use the internal IP and no port forwarding needed. However, it cannot yet do HTTPS requests.
If you go to my github, look at the HomeCloudHub app, it uses HubAction, including SSDP discovery. You need to subscribe to location to get LAN packets.