Problem implementing endpoint OAuth

I am working on a REST Endpoint trying to follow these instructions from @Ben

Everything works fine util step 3
Step 1: I redirect to get the code. ST login and device selection is displayed and I select the devices I want access to.

This works.

Step 2: I am returned json with the access_token
I get the access token from the json and forward to myself

this works

Step 3: I reach my routine with the access_token populated and make the call to get the data. But I am always returned only

Not sure how to debug this at this point since ST is always returning empty results.

The call I make in step 3 is$client?access_token=…

where … is my access token. I write the token I get from step 2 and it matches what is in this request.

I don’t know php that well so I am guessing at Ben’s code.
I am writing my code in Spring Boot.
I notice Ben makes the calls differently for the access_token call which returns json and the call which returns the data.

The first uses curl

$page = ““.$client.”&client_secret=“.$secret.”&redirect_uri=“.$url.”&code=“.$code.”&scope=app”;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $page );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(‘Content-Type: application/json’));
$response = json_decode(curl_exec($ch),true);

The second uses file which I don’t really understand

$url = “$client?access_token=”.$_REQUEST[‘access_token’];
$json = implode(‘’, file($url));

I think the difference between these may be my issue.

I am using the same technique for both steps and wondering if this is what I am doing wrong.
Why is the different technique used for the second step.

As a test I just forward in step 3 to the url$client?access_token=…

and I get the blank displayed in the browser.

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I figured out my problem$client?access_token=…

I put literal $client…needed that to me my client ID.

But now I am dealing with the fact that the first call which returns a list of endpoints doesn’t return valid json. JSONObject thows json exception trying to parse. I wish I could read php code better but I think I have it now…

For some reason this returns a crazy key/value string which I am trying to figure out how to parse easily (or correctly)
The url call to get endpoints returns the following string including the open and close branckets


This does not parse as json (why didn’t they just return json ?

The php code loops first on this as an array of $key $value endpoints. I have only one so my sample is an array of one key/value.

Buy I am not sure how to parse this in Java code. Since it is a mix of json and Map output. It seems messy to me.

Parsing it by had I think it is the following.
endpoints[0]= everything inside the pair perhaps split on , ?



I don’t understand the code here
foreach ($theEndPoints as $k => $v)

what will be used from the string endpoints[0] for key and what for value ?
then value is accessed as $v[‘url’] so this is a HashMap itself ?

Does anyone know how to parse this string in Java ? I am confused :confused:

I ran this through “JSON Lint” and it parses just fine…

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Hmm…why is JSON throwing a parse JSONException…interesting…
JSON lint…cool…

Yeah… it really helps to have a suite of debugging tools; I just googled to find that one :wink:

There’s a web based Groovy tester too, and so on… (Though I’m not sure you can load libraries into it).

Yea I love using
xpath tester

and jsfiddle is my favorite

should have thought of a json parsing tool LOL

OK JSONObject throws exception with the following error

Error:A JSONObject text must begin with ‘{’ at character 1

Why does jsonlint accept the [ ]'s ?

If I strip of the [ ] then JSONObject throws this error.
Error:Expected a ‘,’ or ‘}’ at character 184

Hmmm… Perhaps JSON lint accepts partial objects? It does seem that the “entire” object should be surrounded by {}, and only array / maps are [].

There must be a detailed JSON syntax spec, of course, but found this:

Let’s have a quick look on JSON basic syntax. JSON syntax is basically considered as subset of JavaScript syntax, it includes the following:

Data is represented in name/value pairs

Curly braces hold objects and each name is followed by ‘:’(colon), the name/value pairs are separated by , (comma).

Square brackets hold arrays and values are separated by ,(comma).

Here’s the syntax diagrams:

Figured it out. For this json I need to create a JSONArray not a JSONObject.

Learning a lot here :smile:

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