Petition for Early Release of Rule Machine to Run Locally

I’m gonna have to vote a great big yuuuuuuup! on this one!

Give me local RuleMachine or give me death!

Well, that might be a bit harsh.

Please just give me local RuleMachine.

There is no one approving apps, stability issues caused by user submitted apps?, are you seriously suggesting that community apps are borking the platform?, and that’s the reason for not approving them?
The reason they’re not being worked on is that there are plenty of platform issues, and stock app issues, and mobile app issues. The current state of ST is demanding all hands on deck to get these issues resolved.
Just look at the number of java/JVM errors that are produced by the stock apps, in comparison to a decent community created one…


So there is no better time than now to let others use the capabilities set forth by the ST platform

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I have submitted at least 5 or 6 tweaks to stock device types for improvements, as well as a couple of smartapps. over 2 months ago. none are in review. My guess is they don’t have to staff to dedicate to that with all else going on.

I’d buy a v2 hub right away if this ran locally since almost everything I have is now in RM!


Aye, aye, captain! Please ST make it an official app that runs locally.

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The withdrawn posts actually are giving me a bit of necessary comic relief… :smile:

Sorry folks, didn’t mean to start an argument. I just hate to see the fantastic work done by @bravenel be relegated to overloaded Cloud servers if it was possible to have something that I consider core to ST (at least for me) run locally on a v2 hub.


Neither did I.

And that echoes my feelings: The intention of my posts, though apparently not taken as such, was to offer encouragement. Anyway … the quality and popularity of Rule Machine stands on it’s own. I might as well get out of the way.

Not currently a rule machine user but it’s has potential for literally unlimited upside. If it supported local control that would be great.

+1, aye, yes, vote yay, etc.


Another AYE here. Rule machine has replaced more than 90% of my apps.

I bought a v2 hub but have no idea why now that I have one. The batteries so far have just made it more difficult to reset the device after it gets stuck not being able to connect to the cloud 2 days in a row and I regularly piss the roommates off with SHM alerts but I digress,

I’m still trying to figure out why any app can’t be run locally let alone 99% of the ones written by ST.

My petition vote goes to freeing all the apps from the cloud but I guess that’s a bit like voting independent.


Aye! Bring more apps including Rule Machine local!

Local processing would be great. This is the only reason I’m not using it right now.

Yes please!!!

for sure should be the first 3rd party allowed.

wouldn’t take much for them to see what apps people run, since they’re all on the cloud at present. I can’t imagine that rule machine isn’t quickly going to be the number one app (if not already).

maybe even sending it local would take a measurable load off their back end.


sounds good to me! Local processing should be default!

I hadn’t realize that RM was cloud-dependent, but for reliability it should most certainly be running in the hub.

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YES! 20 characters…