Particle Photon/Spark Core RGB WS2812B

I found a really great WS2812b library with 53 effects for running NeoPixel strings, but I only have an ESP8266 board so have no way to get your setup running on it, especially without any actual development knowledge.

I read earlier in this thread where someone else was working with the ESP8266 unit as well… Is anyone willing to “port” this over to the ESP8266 units, possibly with the WS2812FX Library?

I’d really like to control the Christmas lights I’m installing on the front of the house with SmartThings, rather than having to hit the ESP unit directly via a browser.

Do you have the full functioning code for the esp that I could look at, is that the ws2812fx library?

The ws2812fx library has an ESP8266 “Example” listed underneath the Examples folder.
It includes the necessary html and js files as part of the example, and works directly “out of the box” when flashed to an ESP8266 device with the necessary pin, pixel count, and pixel format edits. I flashed it onto an Adafruit Huzzah Feather with only those three changes and have been playing with it ever since.

nowadays the dc12v individual pixel led strip is available now,
I have got a type of gs8208,can share the code of ws2811,but it is dc12v individual pixel,
it works great.

Okay, I bought the $19 board because I assumed this code would work. Now it won’t compile. Do I include the Particle IDE’s own neopixel library or the one you included? You can’t name a .h or .cpp file with a space in it, so I don’t understand how yours ever compiled in the first place. When I uploaded using the default Particle neopixel library I get no control from SmartThings. So, a little assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Name the .cpp neopixel.cpp and the .h neopixel.h. I don’t think it will work if you use the full name “photon neopixel.cpp”.

okay…when i do that I get an error stating multiple references to the same library. Is there an issue using the default neopixel library?

No you should be able to replace that library with the photons neopixel library.

Okay…so I am still unable to control the device. I have gotten my access token from Particle Build. Do I have to create a Oauth client or just my access token?

You need to put decide id and access token in the settings in the dth.

In the DTH or in the device settings? Or both?
Also, I’ve noticed that the brightness slider never goes above 0. As soon as I back out it drops back to zero again. You are actually using this code?

In the smarttings app if you go under your device there is a settings gear. That is where you place the access token and and device id. Yes this is working the slider should remain after you have the device working.

Okay, that’s where i put in my token and device id from the beginning. Still nothing. So, any hints?

Did you use the default neopixel library? I would try to copy and paste the .h and .cpp files in GitHub and replace what is in .h and .cpp

lib/neopixel/neopixel.cpp:75:0: multiple definition of "Adafruit_NeoPixel::~Adafruit_NeoPixel()"
lib/neopixel/neopixel.cpp:75:0: multiple definition of "Adafruit_NeoPixel::~Adafruit_NeoPixel()"
lib/neopixel/neopixel.cpp:75:0: multiple definition of "Adafruit_NeoPixel::Adafruit_NeoPixel(unsigned short, unsigned char, unsigned char)"

your neopixel.cpp is causing the build to fail.

Tried rebuilding the program from scratch and was able to use your neopixel.h and neopixel.cpp. Still nothing in my control from SmartThings.

When I go into livelogging, I don’t actually see any commands going out from the device to the Particle API. I ask again, does anyone have this actually working?

9ae417a3-627b-406d-afcb-de9586e3755b  6:39:57 PM: debug switch is on
9ae417a3-627b-406d-afcb-de9586e3755b  6:39:55 PM: debug switch is off
9ae417a3-627b-406d-afcb-de9586e3755b  6:39:51 PM: debug switch is on
9ae417a3-627b-406d-afcb-de9586e3755b  6:39:50 PM: debug switch is off
9ae417a3-627b-406d-afcb-de9586e3755b  6:39:47 PM: debug switch is on

That’s all I see when I turn the switch on and off.

What system firmware did you base this on? I see options for many different versions. Maybe that is what is screwing it up.

That may be the case I think it was 4.0 it something. I know there were big changes at the end of last year.

Okay…cause from what I’m seeing in LiveLogging it’s not even trying to send any of my setting out to Particle. So, i don’t know what that change is going to do. I will ask this again, you have personally used the DTH to program a board from scratch and it worked? Because I don’t see how it does. There are no calls going out to the board. Ever.

And I just checked…the oldest version is 4.1. So, no go there either. Try again.

Which dth are you using on GitHub? I just checked and my lights are working with that device type handler.

Quick question when you plug in the particle do you flash cyan and then the light goes out?