Parsing XML within Smartapp/Device

Has anyone found a way to parse an XMl result coming back from an HTTPGET or HTTPPost request? if the result is JSOn this is nice and easy, but I cna not find a way to do this with XML. I tried to use an XMLParse object but this failed.

I then tried to just use a Pattern and this also failed:

  def p = ~/<isEnable>?<\/isEnable>/
  assert p instanceof java.util.regex.Pattern
  assert p.matcher(aline).matches() { log.debug("Match=" + it) }

9:33:26 PM: error Invoking methods on class java.util.regex.Pattern is not allowed

Am I coding this wrong or is it just not supported?

It would be great if all objects had a JSON API but this is not the case for the Foscam I am working on.

Take a look at parsing the xml dom or xmlslurper. These might show you how to do what you’re looking for.

Im trying to do same. Any help with this?

Im trying to get output

def fullStatus = [
    	uri: "fullStatus",
        body: [ SessionID: token, LocationID: location, LastSequenceNumber: 0, LastUpdatedTimestampTicks: 0, PartitionID: 1]
    httpPost(fullStatus) {responseData -> 
        def list = new XmlSlurper().parseText(responseData)
        def state =
        log.debug list

The output of this Post call is an XML result that looks like this

<StatusResults xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="/TC2/">
<Status LastUpdatedTimestampTicks="635763294780000000" ConfigurationSequenceNumber="10" IsInACLoss="false" IsInLowBattery="false">

Of this, Im really interested in the value of State (def state), which I can easily get, but Im not able to get the value of the “LastUpdateTimestampTicks” field

log.debug of list, ends up with groovy errors

Todd how does one do a Regex match and extract the groups in ST?

while this code works on HE, it does not work on ST. sorry.

use group … heres a snippet from my own code:

def str2 = [] def regX2 = /\[(.+?):\[(.+?,.+?)\]\]/ if ((m = findInString =~ regX2)) str2[i] = [,]