[OBSOLETE] Warmup (Connect) [Warmup 4IE Wifi Thermostat]

Hi there. New to SmartThings here.
I tried to install the app through GH, but the #3 step about using the Marketplace feature within the ST app no longer exists. I assume this method no longer works?

I also don’t have the ST Classic app too. Thanks for your help.

Hey, I’m new to using the developer mode in ST. I’m trying to follow steps but quite a few options I’m not sure on. Are you able to help give steps? Would love to get the warmup controller via smartthings app

Hello. So far everything has been working fine for a year. I had to completely reset my 4ie thermostat with Warmup support due to an electrical problem and the Smarthings device no longer worked. I deleted it then recreated it but it doesn’t work anymore (see screenshot). Does anyone have an idea of the problem encountered? Thank you for your help.

@Alyc100 I have enjoyed the use of your device handler problem free for c. 3 years until the ST migration. I was wondering if you have any plans to port the functionality to Lua Edge ? Thank you for your efforts to date! Jon