[OBSOLETE] Visonic Powermax Alarm

Sad day today when finally all Groovy drivers were shut down and with them my favourite alarm driver :frowning:

I do hope someone will build a new Edge driver for this alarm using the existing wemo interface @cjcharles developedā€¦

For those looking for some alternative, Iā€™ve had some success with the WebRequestor driver, configuring one request for arm, another disarm, and yet another for statusā€¦ Although the latter is kind of pointless without the ability to poll the wemo interface every few seconds or so and tying that to an alarm eventā€¦

Sample URL for Arm: GET:http://192.168.1.XXX:80/armaway

Sample URL for Disarm:

Note the WebRequestor doesnt seem to support BasicAuth (password) so youā€™ll have to remove the password from the wemo interfaceā€¦ or find a way to do itā€¦