[OBSOLETE] SmartLife (H801) RGBW LED Strip Wifi Controller & Bulb

ever work this our? mines much the same even swapping wire around one colou must be controlled by W1 or W2

I cannot seem to control the H801. So far I have successfully flashed the controller, added smartapp, added both device handlers and found controller through smart things. With lights attached to the controller, I use the smart things toggle switch to power on/off and the lights do not seem to respond. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

Go onto the config page of the controller in a browser and try the sliders in there see what happens.
How many amps is your power supply ? Maybe it’s not enough.

Can these chips be flashed

See @cjcharles post a bit back its not easy but doable. you have to solder direct to the chip itself.

This LED strip, can be controlled by Alexa?

All of a sudden (starting a couple of days ago), my Arilux controller keeps dropping off of my network. I have to power cycle it and re-add it using the smart app and then it works again, for a while, before dropping off again.

Anyone else seeing the same thing?

Any ideas?

I’m having a similar problem. I can control the lights through the IP address - but I can’t seem to get SmartThings to respond the same way my browser does? I have added the Smart App, I’ve manually added the device with the IP address. Do I have to set a password or something in the settings? Also, in the smart app, it says “Device has not been fully configured. Please make sure the device is powered on and has the correct ip address. When confirmed, please come back to this page.” I’m 100% certain I have the correct IP since I can access it within the browser.

Any ideas on places to look? Thanks in advance!

EDIT: One interesting thing, if I hit the ‘configure’ button in the SmartApp - the LED flicker a bunch of different colors? So it’s like it’s connecting? But not fully connecting? It won’t “Turn on” in the Device.

EDIT2: So it appears I can control the colors in the SmartApp - but none of the levels save in the app, when I try to turn on the device, it just says on the “Turning On” Screen and eventually goes back to “off”

EDIT3: I think I fixed it! I have Netgear Orbi Routers - and the app grabbed the Satellite MAC address, not the H801, I updated the MAC address in the IDE for the Device Network ID (no ':'s or caps) and that seemed to do the trick. I had to manually enter the IP address AND I am using a password (not sure if that makes a difference).

One NEW question though: Now I seem to have the “inverse” problem, it’s always ON. If it is setup correctly, can I turn it off without a momentary physical switch? It also seems like the sliders don’t work in the SmartApp too - but the color selector does? I guess I’m not sure what it’s supposed to look like when it’s all working?

It shouldn’t be always on.
When it’s added as I thing it just behaves like a plug and you press the button on & off.
Seems like your still not making a full connection to it.
Did it still not show in a auto scan even after you fixed your network issues?
Try looking at the live log while you nice the sliders see if it picks anything up.

Connected via ST yes. it works fine.

Thanks for the reply! So now, when I hit “off” the LED strip turns ‘Green’ (?) - it definitely doesn’t turn off, off. Must be hardware? It does show up in the Smart App / Controller properly after adjusting the network settings. EDIT: I did look at the Live Logging, I can see the responses immediately, no errors or anything that I can see. Happy to post logs if that’s helpful.

I can get the sliders in the app to change the light now, but the sliders don’t seem to ‘update’ in the App? IE: It’s R80, I change it to R10, strip responds accordingly, but the app still shows R80?

Thanks for the help!

Thanks Behold81. I had to disable ST skill and after re enabling it, it started working. The only issue I have/had, that many “things” got doubled in my list. I have just disabled them.

That’s strange behaviour that lol
You’ve not edited the device handler have you?
Check in there and make sure “off” is still set to power off.
Just realised you still have the led lit when you’ve turned it off through the SmartThings app, is that what you meant by it never properly off ?
If so that’s how it is maybe with a bit of modding you can turn the power LED off.
And with the SmartThings not updating that could just be the SmartThings app causing that ,as there has been a glitch in the past with it not updating instantly and if you back out and back in it refreshes.
You can confirm this by logging into your IDE and move the sliders whist monitoring it so if it updates there.

Nope, haven’t edited it - I repasted the files, just in case, same result. At this point, the only thing I can’t do is turn it off. It turns “bright green” when I turn it off in SmartThings, here’s a picture of it in the “off” position. Just bright green? It also turns green like that when I turn it off in the browser? Also, it’s only an RGB+ strip, not RGBW? Would that do it? Thank you SO much for your help!

EDIT: Just tried to update the firmware, same behavior. Maybe I have it wired incorrectly? Not sure how I could though? It’s all matched up. I’ve got power on one side, and then the 4 prongs on the other feeding into the RGB+?

Can you get a close up picture of your wiring going into it?
Not sure what it could be if the wirings correct and the device handler is ok.
Maybe it’s a dodgy LED strip do you have another you could test?

That get you there? The colored wires go to the corresponding pins on the strip. It’s the only LED strip I have, unfortunately. Might be worth getting the RGBW any way. Appreciate you taking a look!

Im not sure I follow what has happened here. If you ignore ST completely and change the settings through the webpage for the H801 do you get correct behaviour? Presumably yes, since Im not sure how that can misbehave (If it is then you have a very funky H801 which must have failed - e.g. one of the MOSFETs has gone short circuit)

Yeah that looks ok
Seems like you’ve got a fault in either your LED’s or controller.

It wont be the strip that is dodgy, since the H801 is grounding the LEDs when it should be off (and hence no ground should be connected to the LED strip). If you have it off on the webpage (and ST) and it still shows green then you have a faulty H801 Im afraid.

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Finally getting around doing this with RGBW.

With this amplifier, looks like I have to provide my own power supply?

and from the looks of it this amp, can you connect one or multiple RGBW strips as long as it doesn’t go close or go over the power supply that i put on?