Well I tried. But seems like when I intentionally set the alarm off while live logging, it works. From what I understand it isn’t possible for me to retrieve the logs if I’m not live logging when it happens?
Might be an issue with the subscriptions being terminated early then, which would be a platform issue… but yes that is correct you can not view historical logs.
I want to endorse the request for a chirp at entry prior to a full blown siren with the time between equal to the entry delay.
I’d also really like to be able to define which tone pattern from my new Aeon Labs Aeotec Z-Wave Siren will be sounded for which event.
Okay let me see if these are the additions you guys want:
- When the entry/exit delay is active, allow the user to select siren # and volume level
- For normal alarm, allow user to select siren # and volume level
- Allow a custom alarm/volume for CO2/Smoke Alarms
Anything else?
Okay, just reviewed this, basically it is going to require a modification to both the SmartAlarm code and the Aeotec Siren DeviceType.
I will do a little tinkering on it tomorrow and see if I can get it to work. The only issues I foresee is it may permanently change the volume and alarm type of the device if you manually trigger it, and it looks like it is going to require a delay of around 1-2 seconds before the alarm can fire if we want to customize the alarm.
Okay, try this:
SmartApp Replacement: https://gist.github.com/chuckpearce/a08f3886e8df0622b9fa
DeviceType Replacement: https://gist.github.com/chuckpearce/e0c9a1f9eb9859bc9c7c
Sound Type Reference: Aeon Labs Aeotec Z-Wave Siren
I haven’t tested this at all so be warned.
Basically it should have a new menu in Notifications just under the Pushbullet notifications. Enable “Enable Aeotec features mode” then set the sound and volume for each item you want to have a custom sound and volume.
The basic alarm sound and volume is required in order to enable any of the other custom sounds/volumes.
Thanks for taking the time to do this. I’m too tired to be the guinea pig for this right now, if no one else gives it a try by the weekend, I’ll test it out sometime Saturday. Great contribution, thanks again!
Thanks so much for taking a stab at this! I’m at work now but I’ll try it out tonight and get back to you.
Where i could find the uninstall button in smart alarm. I want to unistall because had a problem. It stays on arm stay… Just this morning when i open the back door alarm trip off. What ever i do changing mode back and forth. And check the app… So it was stack in armed stay even home day already triggered.
I had the same issue. My savior was my security key fob which let me tiger the I’m Back mode.
I did get the Alarm to uninstall.
Restarted my router and the SmartThings hub.
And now I can’t re-install the Smart Alarm.
Something is broken with Smart Alarm right now. Started this morning. Won’t recognize Home Mode changes. I went into the app on the mobile client and could never get it to “save” any changes. Tried and tried to just remove the app and start over, took forever but I finally got the app uninstalled, tried to recreate it from a fresh paste of the latest code, still can’t get the app to save. Live logging produces this error every time I try to do anything:
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Execution timed out after 40 units. Start time: Sun May 03 15:36:39 UTC 2015 @ line 1112
Related to this wider issue?
@JDRoberts is right. This happens when ST platform becomes slow and unresponsive. Re-ninstalling Smart Alarm won’t help.
Had to uninstall smartalarm this morning too. Keeps arming stay and going off whenever my kids go in and out.
Same here keeps arming when we are here
+1 - Same problem here.
+1, same problem… I think it’s getting worst over time.
Just wanted to throw my hat in. I’m not having any issues with SA right now. I did have an issue the morning of 5/3, but I think there was a known issue or something that day.
Anyone got a reason or fix?
I had this issue a few times earlier in the week… All things being equal I am guessing it was just general platform sluggishness.