[OBSOLETE] SHM Delay Version 2.0

If there is a code error, yes it stops.

Please turn on logging in the IDE. Run a Stay test. Post any Error messages

Iā€™ve tried and tried and tried again to delete the keypads, do a factory reset, then reinstall, and no matter what I do, it keeps saying 0 where it should say Off, Armed/Away, etc.

Please go into global settings and turn off the keypad real or simulated is in use. Try stay mode test.

if that works put the key pads back into the system by turning that switch back on.

Make sure you set up a user PIN code then arm system from keypad in stay (partial) mode

When I turn off the keypad setting and arm to stay and open a door, the alarm is triggered.

I turned the keypad setting back on, set up user, pushed partial on both keypads and I get 2 beeps, like the error beeps, and alarm does not set. I try using my pin and on, same 2 error beeps.

As far as my keypads go, Iā€™ve tried taking out the batteries for anywhere from 1 minute to over night. I hold the tamper switch, then put in batteries. Sometimes both, sometimes just one closest to the switch, sometimes one away from the switch. Add the device, when the light starts flashing I press the tamper switch twice, on other tries Iā€™ve pressed the tamper switch 5 times, Iā€™ve tried pressing onā€¦ I think thatā€™s about everything.

In order to use instant arming with the Iris PIN code 0000 must be set in a user profile.it does not allow disarming.

For now try arming With your pin then ON

Should it not start beeping exit delay tones try setting only 1 keypad in the global settings. Then retry.

Should that fail retry Away with logging and forward any errors.

When I get some time at my computer I will review the prior errors you sentā€¦

Meanwhile removing and reinstalling is not going to fix this. I understand you came from the IRIS system where everything was fully integrated. We had to hack everything in over here and weā€™re not blessed with documentation on how the keypad actually worked.

Ok. Weā€™re getting somewhere. I set up a user with the pin code 0000, and another user with a pin I chose. I went back into global settings and ensured I had selected keypads for real keypads used to arm and disarm (this was empty after toggling ā€œa real or simulated keypadā€ to off from earlier.) I then went back into my delay profiles to ensure the keypads were selected in there. Now on my home page, the keypads actually say disarmed, etc. YAY!!
When I press partial on the keypads it reads armed/stay on my home page, but I can open doors without the alarm going off. It also doesnā€™t register on my smart home monitoring that the alarm is armed. It seems the keypads are functioning properly now, I just need to figure out why the alarm isnā€™t reading the keypad settings and turning on the alarm.
Iā€™m happy to have progress!

I tried setting the armed away from smart home monitoring in the app. My keypads beep as normal after opening the door and giving me time to turn the alarm off, I press my pin and off which turns off the one keypad while the other keypad continues to beep. It doesnā€™t actually turn my alarm off, and after the delay my system goes off. Thoughts?

I have an issue that I canā€™t quite figure out. I have 5 Iris keypads set up. One on each door. Two of them are stuck on ā€œMotion Activeā€. Oddly it is the two keypads that I had set up a 15 second delay on in the global settings. I thought that may be the common denominator but that turns out not to be the case. I am using the device handler recommended in the instructions. Not rboys. Any ideas?

Here from Iris. This app is great! Is there anyway to change the entry chime to 2 beeps? Iris had 2 beeps upon entry and exit and my family is used to itā€¦thanks!

Thanks for your response. Thing is, the app and the keypads are certainly communicating, just not consisently. Making the selections on the SHM will 99% of the time result in the appropriate syncing on the keypad as well as the appropriate device status on ST. However, making the selections on the keypad does not sync with SHM/ST. In addition, hitting the panic button results in SHM arming to away mode. And immediately triggers the alarm since obviously I am standing in front of the keypad. My limited IT knowledge suggests that it has to be something to do with the code?

Assuming there is a valid ModeFix profile, should be closer to 100% vs 99%. However, this all runs in the ST Cloudā€¦sā€¦t happens. Also improving the zigbee mesh may help. Try adding a zigbee repeater between the keypad and hub, if it is far from the hub. Another cause of failure is Wifi interference, yours and neighbors. There is some good information on the forum about setting up zigbee and Wifi.

The ST command structure does not include anything like ā€œsetIntruderAlarm()ā€ (and itā€™s only recently that the Iris source was released). In order to implement Iris panic on ST , I was forced to arm (if not armed) SHM then open the simulated contact sensor.

Standing in front of the keypad has nothing to do issuing panic, other than being enough to the device to press the button. Panic is also available using the appā€™s simulated keypad. The deviceā€™s motion sensor has a very short ranged, inches at best. Itā€™s main function seems to be lighting the keypad when waving your hand in front of it.

I understand, but I have no answer for this. Suggest tapping the gear icon in the upper right corner, then take a look at the ā€œTime for Motion to become in activeā€ setting.

Did that and they are set to 10 secs. It seems to work correctly but the device page never updates.

Have you tried arming from the keypad that seems not to function? It may still be causing the app to crash.

Perhaps the authors of the DTH have an answer. Tagging: @mitchp

If motion was always truly on, the keypadā€™s lights would never shut off, is that occurring?

No the lights go off after motion ends. Three of them work normally and two have this issue.

The devices appear to be operating normally. Refreshing the device page should clear it, but obviously it does not.

@arnb, I tried to remove and replace the batteries in one of the offending keypads and it seem to have lost touch with the system. It showed the tamper warning but would not change alarm status. I removed it and re-paired it with in 3 feet of the hub. I then re-included it into SHM Delay and saved all of the settings. Not only did it fix the motion status of that keypad but it fixed the other one as well. Not sure what was the key to the repair but it is all working now.

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@arnb @mitchp, After reporting the above, there is a problem. Maybe related to the recent firmware update on our hubs, just guessing. I went back and removed the batteries from another keypad to replace them and the same thing happened. The keypad lost touch with the hub and had to be repaired. Maybe the device handler might need to be updated, not sure but there is an issue.